What Does God Say About Veganism? This May Surprise You!

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What does God say about veganism? If you are wondering whether veganism is biblical or not, watch this video to discover the …

35 replies
  1. @nancyrogers5950
    @nancyrogers5950 says:

    Great convo. I think the reason for the propensity to add christian in im a christian vegan, specifically is becaused veganism is associated with new age practices. I've had christians concerned that i was going to the other side because im wfpb. Btw, since going wfpb, eczema gone !

  2. @tsouthern1901
    @tsouthern1901 says:

    I don't eat meat or any kind of food made from animals, and no ultra processed "foods." This is a choice I made for health reasons, and I definitely do not agree with the practices of factory farms. The way they treat animals is heartbreaking. But I don't like or want to be labeled a vegan. Whenever someone says, "Oh, you're a vegan," I politely say no, I just choose to eat whole plant-based foods only. I totally agree with. Christians need to be untied in our love and following of Jesus. Labeling only divides God's children. Thank you for this video!

  3. @curtistolman5830
    @curtistolman5830 says:

    We are victims of the food pyramid scheme. In the last 60 years, diseases have gone up 10000%.
    60 years ago, there was only one case of diabetes. Today, thousands of people die from diabetes each day.

    If food has a bar code it's poison.

  4. @paulcohen6727
    @paulcohen6727 says:

    Plants have no cholesterol. Less saturated fat, more micronutrients and the only source of fiber. We have the eyes, teeth, intestines and hands of herbivores. The great ape that most closely resemble us, eat 99% plants an an occasional accidental ant or termite.

  5. @mariatolich4056
    @mariatolich4056 says:

    We should eat our food as much as possible the way God made it and farm animals should eat the food the God ordained for them to eat and animals should be out in the fresh air so that they eat grass and not be locked in barns.
    I buy free range eggs.

  6. @bymr52
    @bymr52 says:

    It is very expensive buying from supermarkets organic grass fed clean food … Is more than double the price from other years in thinking on selling my house and buy land to get my own cow, chickens, goat and grow my own veggies…. This economy is killing me 😫

  7. @BGr8ful4all
    @BGr8ful4all says:

    No mandate? How about genesis 1:29. They are instructions from God. And God does not change. Jesus followed those instructions regardless of what you think. He followed his Fathers will only. But God loves us all even though we are all sinners. 🙏❤️

  8. @YeshuaKingMessiah
    @YeshuaKingMessiah says:

    Animal welfare is not a reason to not gain the benefits of eating food designed for me
    My abstaining makes no cow feel happy
    Plant based is a complete LIE
    I am so sad to see brethren promoting LIES

    There is so much evidence for animal based diet, with zero risk and maximum benefit

  9. @tinapeters5500
    @tinapeters5500 says:

    Hallelujah Amen. Jesus loves you. Have a blessed weekend. Your videos have helped me a lot. Keep up the good work really appreciate y’all. Thank you for all you doing 🙏🏻

  10. @user-ys6pl4wo3c
    @user-ys6pl4wo3c says:

    I have said this before, a kosher diet is easy if you common sense. All vegetation is kosher. Animals are listed as the animals that naturally only eat vegetation. Also animals are not to be used for a dual purpose.

  11. @teresaannunziata1034
    @teresaannunziata1034 says:

    Idk I have been a vegan 53 years. I stopped eating meat at 5 when my “friend” was murdered. I did not understand as a child where bacon came from. I snuck out of the house and I saw how they killed her. I gave my mother a lot of problems and I told her I wouldn’t eat anything . She finally stopped forcing me when she discovered I was feeding the gross food to the dog. And I am very healthy! Not on meds and very energetic! So idk I feel good , it’s my choice. To each his own . This choice is right for me❤

  12. @NaileaGuerrero
    @NaileaGuerrero says:

    This is such an interesting conversation. When I got saved in 2021 God led me to start eating meat again after being completely vegan for 9 years. I then searched the scriptures about eating meat. Even Jesus ate animals!☺️ It made me feel good about eating animal based foods again. Once I did I noticed huge health changes and benefits. I know God wanted me to eat animals again because it’s what was healthiest for my body.

  13. @markym6683
    @markym6683 says:

    This is so bogus…not for what goes on in mills for poor animals but what we put in our bodies.There is no confusion! No, after Noah… see Genesis 9:3 then In the beginning, Genesis 2: 15, 16. Jesus says dont worry what you eat – take in, or what we wear -clothes. However he does says gluttony is a sin.

  14. @jcbloom6919
    @jcbloom6919 says:

    It’s because in Genesis Adam and Eve were in the garden and before the first sin it describes them as vegetarians. The first animal was killed after they sinned to cloth them.

  15. @Taboomom
    @Taboomom says:

    This is exactly the information I’m interested in. I’m going through a very difficult time in my life, but it’s moving me closer to God. I’ve been getting healthy now for the last 2 years, I’ve added exercise then I changed my diet to as much organic I can put in me. I have a Christian nutritionist and 2 wellness coaches. I’ve slowly lost 88 pounds. It’s incredible! Thanks for this video! ❤️‍🩹

  16. @yellowrose803
    @yellowrose803 says:

    Please check the scripture that says in Genesis 9 v 3 is after the flood if you say noah.. As the vegetation was destroyed. God permitted. The original plan for man is to eat pure living fruits, plants and herbs. Not kill something and cook it and eat it. Adam didn't kill or cook. Just wondering?? ❤🤗💕💙

  17. @TheVeganMinister-lj1tz
    @TheVeganMinister-lj1tz says:

    What you are saying in this video is very confusing. As a Vegan Minister and theologian for fourteen years, I would think that the legitimate, authentic, and genuine, foundation of God’s original word, laws, truth, and original plant-based diet requirements from the beginning was Genesis 1:29, before man brought sin into the world. Can you explain why Genesis 1:29 doesn't matter? The bible tells us that plants foods are our inheritance, not meat, and then bible also clearly tells us that plants are a good, safe, and holy blessing from God So, what happened? Why did God revoke this diet and add meat? Even in Genesis eight and nine, God never told Noah to kill animals for food.

    Plants Are Our Inheritance,

    Ephesians 1:11, tells us “In God all creation have obtained a predestined inheritance, according to God’s purpose for us, whoever works all things according to God’s purpose does the will of God.”

    Zechariah 8:12, “There will be peace for the Earth’s seed: the vine will yield its fruit, the land will yield its produce and the heavens will give their dew; and all of God’s creations will inherit these blessings.”

    Plants Are a Good and Holy Blessing from God.

    Genesis 1:11, God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."

    Leviticus 27:30, “All the tithe of the land, that gives seed and fruit from the tree, is the Lord’s; and therefore, it is holy to the Lord.”

    Psalm 67:6, And God said, “The Earth will yield its fruit and produce; and God, will bless us with its food.”

    Leviticus 25:18, The Lord said, “Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety.”

    Because of these scriptures, the whole meat discussion is absolutely baffling to me, for even in Genesis 3:18, God told us that we shall eat plants until the day we die.

    Genesis 3:18 “You will eat the plants of the field until you return to the ground, since from the ground you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

    Also, the bible clearly tells us God does not retract Gods instructions to human beings for any reason and in fact, God’s official authoritative instructions to mankind are clear, finale, solid, and unchangeable and those who truly know God, are well aware that God does not undo what God has set into motion. So, are these women telling us to ignore these scriptures?

    Numbers 23:19, tells us When God speaks, “God does not change God’s mind.”

    1 Samuel 15:29, “God will not lie or change God’s mind.”

    Malachi 3:6, “I the Lord do not change.”

    Hebrews 7:20,28, Jesus became a priest with an oath when God said to him: “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, the lord will not relent.”

    Isaiah 31:2, “God does not retract God’s words.”

    Romans 11:29, “When God calls you to do something, this is irrevocable it can never be withdrawn. This applies also to God’s spiritual gifts.”

    1 Corinthians 14:33, “God is not a God of disorder.”

    Daniel 4:34, “God’s rule is everlasting.”

    Isaiah 42:4, says, “Before me no God was formed, nor will there be one after me. From ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand, and when I act, no one can reverse it.”

    1 Samuel 15:29, “God does not lie or change his mind; for God is not a human being, that he should change his mind.”

    Once again, God’s words, and instructions are final.

    1 Peter 1:25; “The word of the Lord remains and endures forever.”

    Proverbs 19:21, “Many are the plans in the minds of men, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

    I would love for once to see someone present me with a scripture where God said,

    “I the lord change my mind quite often, so do not follow my words or instructions in the beginning for nothing I said in the beginning counts, it was all a lie, and I was actually fooling you. To be honest, my plant-based diet in the beginning was a joke, it was never my unchangeable final, or everlasting word, or instructions to human beings. I the Lord, like my words in the beginning to be open to human interpretation, for I do declare that I am a disorderly liar, who takes back my perfect, good, holy, and flawless plant-based diet blessings, just so human beings can kill, harm and eat whatever they please. In absolute truth, now that the world is full of sin, I am very partial to human beings and so, I enjoy fitting my words and laws into a time period that is emboldened by human violence, flesh desires, destitution, and human sin.”


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