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23 replies
  1. Stacy Carter
    Stacy Carter says:

    I get the “you’re too restrictive” all the time now as well. I get the “you eat crazy”. “You’re too restrictive”. “You don’t eat enough”. “You don’t eat anything that tastes good” 😳. “You’re hurting yourself”. Mind you, I am a diabetic who can control my blood glucose without medication that can cause other health issues. I am still 40# or so overweight. I feel better than I have in years! My skin looks better. My inflammation has almost completely gone away and my back and joint pain is almost nonexistent now! So no! I absolutely REFUSE to take even 1 bite of cake and pie and your high carb casserole no matter how much I used to enjoy all those things! I know how bad I feel when I eat those things and how good I feel when I don’t eat those things.
    About your chickens and eggs. As the days get shorter they slow down and stop entirely laying eggs unless you provide artificial light. It doesn’t hurt them at all to “trick” them into thinking it’s the middle of summer all year long.

  2. Annabella Redwood
    Annabella Redwood says:

    Amy you make me think of an English comedy in the 70s, The Good Life where Tom quits his job and decides to be self sufficient. It's funny stuff. I've never tried venison. One of these days I'm going to catch the live stream. Love you sweetheart. ❤😘💕

  3. Fronnie Bealer
    Fronnie Bealer says:

    My old Chihuahua got a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Vet wanted to put her on Lasix. I researched and now feed all meat, raw as much as possible. Using CBD too. She is so much better. She acts like she is 8 instead of 14. My 2 dogs and 4 catties are carnivore. Their health is very good.

  4. Critter 400
    Critter 400 says:

    I'm guessing you've heard the little nursery rhyme: There was a little girl…who hadda little curl, right in the middle of her forehead… and when she was good, she was very very good…. but when she was bad, she was HORRID.

  5. Ola M
    Ola M says:

    I’ve made my own electrolytes using recipe from Mary’s nest (you tube channel), then I add true lime or true lemon to each serving right before (no sweetener in the recipe)

  6. Dianna Beck
    Dianna Beck says:

    That may explain the sore I keep getting in my mouth. I used to use and make my own almond milk and use it in my smoothies along with spinach and kale. That was over a year ago but now I am getting this little sore inside my lower lip. Good info to have

  7. jujubunnybea
    jujubunnybea says:

    It could be the stevia in the electrolytes… I had stevia for yearsssssssss in my coffee and when I started having electrolytes with stevia I realized I have a problems with stevia 😬🤐
    This could be you problem too… perhaps ?
    Maybe try an electrolytes that has a different sweetener like sucralose or just a plain unsweetened one.
    I have not purchased a stevia fee electrolyte yet but did buy liquid sucralose to add to my coffee when I want to have it sweet.
    Removing the stevia might be worth a try 😊🥰

  8. marjaleena
    marjaleena says:

    Been doing 80/20 for almost two weeks now. I know it’s not long but I do feel like 80/20 is not quite enough protein for me. I feel hungry if I go below 100g protein per day. I’m currently experimenting how much protein I can eat without getting kicked out of ketosis. Seems like I can handle up to 120g protein per day. I’m 5’4”.

  9. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    How about just some sola water for electrolytes? It often is tolerated when others are not. I make mine w/the big salt rocks from Redmonds.

    *Chanca Piedra is the herbal supplement that helps prevent kidney stones, as well as a host of other health benefits. We discovered it years ago for my brother-in-law who suffered horribly from stones. He hasn't had one since.


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