What Are The Long Term Effects Of A Keto Program

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Mike Kenitz (PTA) interviews Dr. Eric Westman About the Long Term Effect of Keto Watch the Full Interview Here: …

25 replies
  1. Les M
    Les M says:

    Knowing that so many think that keto means MEAT BACON ETC and little else shows what little they know about keto. We have gourmet meals and I rarely more than a tiny bit if meat. I was vegetarian for years. I just planted greens for the winter garden for fresh veggies. Inflammation is half what it was in my knee. Eat it or don't. Let others do that too.

  2. Mel Blacke
    Mel Blacke says:

    How about I cut my sugar consumption by half and limit the flour carbs to maybe 2 times per week and not eat white potatoes except maybe once a month. Staying away from processed foods of any type also seems wise. Bet I take 9ff a few pounds!

  3. Jacqueline Hagge
    Jacqueline Hagge says:

    Since changing to a low carb lifestyle, I suffer from PAINFUL charley horse cramps in my legs almost every night and only at night. My hematologist can figure out why…I take a multivitamin with extra magnesium and potassium. It’s helped a little bit..have any ideas what it could be?

  4. Just Ingrid
    Just Ingrid says:

    Is there a difference between men and women on keto, and pre menopause/post menopause? I've read women say that fasting/keto will up the stress hormones in females, and that women should also eat fruit/root vegetables/sourdough bread, and that the few studies on keto are done on men/males.

  5. jwils253
    jwils253 says:

    The fact that this does not address the REAL cause of the obesity epidemic is sad. GOVERNMENT REGULATION of food production is the only thing that will solve the obesity crisis. Half of our food is just cattle feed – because small government idiots don’t think companies like P&G, Monsanto, etc should be regulated.

    Individual lifestyle change is triage – NOT proactive medical care. If it were REAL medical care it would involve political action

  6. Karen Rohach
    Karen Rohach says:

    Dr. Eric Westman's LEFT Side of face has no movement! Draw your own conclusions what is going to happen next!!
    But he's a DOCTOR!!!
    I know, crazy isn't it!!!!
    🍷CHEERS 🍷

  7. Your Gypsy
    Your Gypsy says:

    Agree with Dr Westman. Real food … like back when I was 22, I did Scarsborough Diet. High protein, low carb, low fat. All real food. I also have done well with IF and low carb.

  8. Robnord1
    Robnord1 says:

    Just passed my 5 year ketoversery. Dr. Westman knows his stuff. Thanks for having him on. My first 18 months it was pure keto + intermittent fasting and OMAD for weight loss and to cure a list of ills. Now it's loose (occasional carb fests) keto/carnivore, with fasting and OMAD (3 hr eating window) resuming when the scale number starts creeping up.

  9. Debunking History
    Debunking History says:

    This is easy; just find a long-term keto/Atkins practitioner over age 70 and ask them what the effects are. Oh wait there aren't any. That tells me at least one effect – death. Keto is a crash diet for obese people and it helps epileptics. That's about all it's good for. It's simulated starvation, as a result puts a lot of stress on the body since it's like a panic mode, and dramatically increases cardiovascular risks.

  10. Kenz300 x
    Kenz300 x says:

    You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Lower stress, reduce obesity and more exercise are key to a healthy life.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Fast food and sugary drinks are contributing to the problem of poor health and obesity.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or ELIMINATE cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables. Eliminate fast food, snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  11. Ap Ac
    Ap Ac says:

    I'm glad you guys have had him on. Ketosis has had drastic changes with my health for the positive. I ate clean for many years before it. Everything from Paleo, to Vegetarian, and Vegan. Did everything I was told I should to be "healthy" and not be inflamed so much. Haven't had a soda in decades. Stayed away from sugar and flour the majority of the time. Always at home. I just got worse and worse. I know that not everyone is me, but shifting to burning fat for fuel has saved my life. It's why I've been able to do the things you guys show as opposed to being curled up in high levels of pain most of the time. I used to dread getting older because I didn't think I'd be able to bear the physical pain of it. Now I'm in my 50s feeling better than at 30, and I'm excited to see what improvements I continue to make. I don't like to say "never", but unless something very drastic changes, there's no way I'll ever stop burning fat for fuel. With the more I learn on how our body functions the more I'm convinced of that. I'm really appreciative of the work he and others doing the clinical research and long-term work with patients has done and continues to do. I hope more doctors will read up and considerate it because they can likely save a lot of their patients of certain diseases and illnesses a lot of suffering. Thank you. πŸ¦‹


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