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Premier 1 info: https://www.premier1supplies.com/p/poultrynet-12-42-3-electric-netting?cat_id=118 These are the nets I use, …

38 replies
  1. Ahtemma Thehun
    Ahtemma Thehun says:

    Dotty the kitty is just talking and wants pets, she may be feeling a need for reassurance because there are strangers there or shes mimicking yoou becuase you were talking to the camera. My one eyed gal is just like that. It's normal feline behavior. She's quite pretty and seems very sweet. You're farm is full of the obvious love you have put into it!

  2. Lisa Offerman
    Lisa Offerman says:

    I love your videos! I will always watch you when you do them. I can tell how much you love all of your babies. You have had a very hard time with all you have had going on. I really wish you decide on soung what is best for you and Jeremy. That would make me extremely happy! You are awesome, at least that is what I think. Please take care of yourself and your family. Get refreshed, be happy and don't worry about others so much. I know that is a lot easier said than done!

  3. julie jacobs
    julie jacobs says:

    I'd still watch your channel, would love to see the goat's spend their twilight year's at the farm. There very much so entertaining. The farm is what they know. ❤️🐐👍😀

  4. Last Chance
    Last Chance says:

    I literally feel in love with (why does the brain have to quit at the most ackward of times) the tortoiseshell colored pig I had never seen that breed until your channel. Most of the channels I follow are pets or rescue I'm not much for the selling or eating of the animals. So yes I want you too keep filming the animals!

  5. Dawn Ryan
    Dawn Ryan says:

    I know this may sound stupid coming from the comment area but please don’t listen to to the small minded people out there,I love to watch you and your wonderful animals

  6. One and Only Penguin 2.0
    One and Only Penguin 2.0 says:

    Claire, I have found out in life, that life happens. You are not old and you have so many places to go and so many things to see. Do it while you are young. There are always people out there that would pitch a fit if you handed them a million dollars on a silver platter. Do what's good for you and hubby. Make your memories. Enjoy your parents. Enjoy your animals. As long as you are happy wirh them, that's what matters. Enjoy your life and do what's good for you. I know I will still watch even if they never have another kid. I enjoy the interaction between you and them. They each are like a little furry person that has a big personality. Just be you. Thanks for sharing. Blessings and peace.

  7. Jennifer Jarrett
    Jennifer Jarrett says:

    I know you love your animals so much! You do what is best for you and you family! I so enjoy your videos and Instagram posts, but again, your decision! You take excellent care of all of your babies….. and I love your sweater creations!!!!❤️

  8. Brenda Snider
    Brenda Snider says:

    I hope you don't get rid of your goat's or give up Utube i do wish you could do more of them maybe be able to increase your numbers of followers. I think part of your videos aren't enough for some people to stay with. They expect on a certain schedule you stay with it wh when you don't they move on. It's not right they can't understand you have a life can't always stop to do a video. But they feel you are making money of them watching your videos you could do a certain schedule so they know when you will post it. I truly don't know how you do it all with ballgames and dinners and work and then taking care of the goat's and then just being a wife cleaning the house and cooking. You are a strong person. I truly hope you up with a schedule that will work for you and still be able to rest and have fun with your family. I can tell you were tired this summer whether from traveling or other family commitments it's been a hard year for many especially when you got Covid. You will be in my thoughts and prayers that you find a groove that works for you. Just know I'll be here whenever you post a video trying to get there as quickly as possible to start watching it. Just keep yourself healthy don't let life's stressful times get your immune system down not able to handle all the terrible bug's out there hit you time after time this fall and winter.

  9. sbayles
    sbayles says:

    You mostly just seem tired. Covid will take it out of you and after all of the babies it will just take time to recover. Keep all the girls as pets if you can afford it. They love you and you love them.

  10. Connie Singh
    Connie Singh says:

    Hi Claire I’m a long time sub and I love all the animals and would love to watch them age at your farm! Plenty of birthing and kid content out there on the web. Slow life down and keep being the loving owner you are! Thank you for posting when you can no pressure🐖🐐😍

  11. James Smith
    James Smith says:

    I love your videos. I had never considered having goats on my lifestyle block before, but thanks to your channel I am seriously looking into it. I will always be Porkchop's number one fan!! Thank you for doing these videos!

  12. Sue Peterson-Goodson
    Sue Peterson-Goodson says:

    Claire, you and Jeremy are in a new Season of your lives. Its a lot if work to do most of the goat care alone. I can see in your eyes, your tired. I don't mean sleepy tired, just having a lot to do. It seemed as though this round of kidding was alot more than you usually had. Even the barn seemed over crowded. Whatever you decide is best for you and your family I wish you the best. It goes without question the love you have for your animals. Peace and love.

  13. Sonja Boon
    Sonja Boon says:

    There’s always a lot to do right? There’s nothing worse than humidity. The goats seem to handle it well. You have the sweetest goats. That’s because you treat them so lovingly. I’d love to have your job with the animals💕

  14. Brendan O'Neill
    Brendan O'Neill says:

    Claire, I just love following your adventures and hope you keep your herd. The girls living their best lives and the piggies is a great part of my week and frankly, COVID and the heat….
    I agree with the kitty, we all need a pet.

  15. The Mini Farming Groomer
    The Mini Farming Groomer says:

    I am in West Tennessee how do I contact you about purchasing a goat from you I am getting into showing so I would need something that is showable if there are improvements I am fine with that as I am learning how and what to look for to breed up and showing helps me learn that

  16. Deven La Mar
    Deven La Mar says:

    Goats. Normally most ppl retire at 10 and they can live till 12 to 15 I've herd of. Retired or maybe do a few rescues??. Piglets not unless u separate them. They have a roommate relationship lol but we love them all the same lol

  17. Janice Dove
    Janice Dove says:

    I used to breed Siamese cats. Now they are just pets. I think you’re going into a new phase of your life. It’s all good. I’m also a school music teacher and getting ready to end my summer and get ready to start the new school year. Every summer my brain switches to off. Every year without fail, on August 1st the brain switches to on. This summer, I think because of Covid, I did absolutely nothing. I mean nothing. I usually garden – big time -but this summer was different. So I decided that I will plant more of a fall garden. Didn’t give it up completely…just moving into a new phase. Personally, I love your videos ….whenever is fine with me, so I’m gonna watch them as they come about in your life. I just enjoy watching the changes. And with the flooding and the drought, I mean give yourself a break. You’ve been through a lot this year. Take it as it comes. Pets are freeing. You can always go back to breeding any time, or not!

  18. Gelsey Delpercio
    Gelsey Delpercio says:

    Claire, we all have "seasons" of our lives. It's just life. I wish you the best in whatever path you and Jeremy take on your journey together. Love to watch your videos, and will continue to do so. God bless! 🙏❤️🙏


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