What about my liver after 5 years carnivore

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42 replies
  1. Alex Moen
    Alex Moen says:

    Pretty hard on the eyes with the shock transfer with each step. Wanted to watch but it gave me a headache like I was car sick. Smooth it out bro! Please. Thank you. Meat rules.

  2. Tim Colvin
    Tim Colvin says:

    Fuck around at the gym then hit the steam room twice a week, Five Guy's afterwards to bathe those guns in protein…live forever as a paragon of health. Sounds like my 80 year old dad.

  3. Rico S
    Rico S says:

    I remember getting a call from my Dr. saying my creatin levels being 1500 plus. Not good. They called me and I was out of town working and scared the hell out of me. Turns out it was my intense workouts causing it.

  4. Luann Rouff
    Luann Rouff says:

    I never visit the doctor so I don't know my "numbers" and couldn't care less. I wake up happy and healthy every morning. That's the only confirmation I need. BMI? Please…🙄

  5. Fryer Tuck
    Fryer Tuck says:

    BMI is farce.
    My doctor said "you're clinically obese at this weight."
    At 5'9" I have big shoulders, a 42" chest and a 31.5" waist.
    I train 6 days a week.
    Obese??? 😂

  6. Fryer Tuck
    Fryer Tuck says:

    Anyone on carnivore noticed an improvement in eyesight?
    I realised a few days ago that the glasses I was using for the computer weren't focusing so well and I had to move closer.
    I have another pair that I use for TV viewing.

    End result is I'm now using the TV specs to use the computer watching TV with naked eyes!

  7. fanclass0f76
    fanclass0f76 says:

    I'm a diet controlled(carnivore) type 2. Keto for almost 2 years now but way more strict carnivore for about the last 10 months. Going in for my annual checkup at the end of this month. My Labs last year a few items caused me to wonder. My TSH was only at .007. Bun, Creatine(Serum), Bun, Albumin and Alkaline Phosphorase were all out of limits. But I wasn't strict carnivore then. Anxious to see of any changes. I finally had to get back into lifting vs my lazy lifestyle. lol 63/6 ft/165 lbs
    My doctor is pretty useless so I just use him for Labs at this point. I tell him what I want. He used to be anti-keto but not sure anymore since he's seen a great deal of progress in my T2D.

  8. Todd Adams
    Todd Adams says:

    Downhill walk and talk…much better! And yes, very few sidewalks anywhere unless its a new planned community within the last 20 years. I moved up there from California (1978) when I was 12-13, and all my Cali friends thought I'd have to ride a horse to school! LOL

  9. rfbead321
    rfbead321 says:

    Yep, I keep eating my meats, eggs, and cheeses. The vegan zombies, and sorry for those of you who don't agree with my terminology, can keep eating their deficient plant slop.

  10. Winston Smith
    Winston Smith says:

    Apparently the meat diet might well make you feel healthier and stronger than plant based in the short term but you wont live as long, and you will be prone to many more cancers and degenerative diseases.

  11. E R
    E R says:

    BMI is meaningless. I’m supposed to be 193 at 6’2”. At 200 I look gaunt but pretty ripped. Happier around 220. 58 with highly visible abs and eat about 80 plus percent animal protein.

  12. lovesgibson
    lovesgibson says:

    Now we need to see:
    kidney markers blood work,
    full thyroid panel (TSH, free t3, free t4, thyroid antibodies),
    full sex hormone panel (estradiol, estrone, dhea, DHT, free and total testosterone, progesterone, prolactin, LH, and FSH),
    Iron and b vitamin blood panel,
    Magnesium RBC,
    Omega 3 bloodwork,
    Full blood lipid panel (cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides).

    You are the most public proponent of the carnivore diet – creator of “the carnivore diet” book. Many people would consider the carnivore/meat only diet to be “your diet”. You’re essentially advocating this to the world, so I don’t see why it’s such an issue to provide a wide range of blood work to show the results of this diet on a consistent basis (every 6 months – 1 year). The last time you showed any blood work was years ago.

    You seem to push that because you can lift heavy weights that means you’re healthy. Pro bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen, etc can lift a lot of weight and theyre the furthest thing from healthy. Many of them develop heart, kidney, and liver disease from the things they take – so strength and physical abilities is not a be all end all determinant of health.
    “Feeling good” isn’t proof that you’re healthy either. Vegans say they feel good on their diets too.

  13. Drake Santiago
    Drake Santiago says:

    There has been so much evidence showing that large amounts of protein is NOT harmful to either liver or kidney function. So the fact that this myth is embraced by so much of the public and the medical community is disheartening. The only studies that show negative effects of protein consumption on both organs are with people who ALREADY have compromised hepatic or renal function. If protein were so deleterious to either organ, then there should be an epidemic of kidney and liver failure among powerlifters, pro-football players, and bodybuilders – all sports where athletes ingest huge amounts of protein to induce muscle protein synthesis. In fact, the only time you see failure in either organ among these athletes is the result of performance enhancing drugs.

  14. Laaz Guenther
    Laaz Guenther says:

    Dr. Baker please do a review on Dr. Alan Goldhamer. I wanna know how legit he is and what part of what he says is to be taken seriously. Please i request you humbly. And God bless you Sir. Respect and love from Germany!


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