Weird Things I Don't Buy

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43 replies
  1. Julia Clark
    Julia Clark says:

    My add is, we don’t spend money on cable TV or subscription services. We stopped years ago when we did a calculation of how much it “cost” per program we actually watched. As we didn’t watch much it wasn’t worth it. Some friends still think this is weird

  2. L P
    L P says:

    I guess if you’re weird, then I’m weird too. We moved from 2800 sq ft to 1900 sq ft on 2 acres in Montana because I wanted less space to clean inside and more space to play outside. The thought of a bigger house makes me nauseous. The one we struggle with is fast food because we’re 25 minutes from town and we often get caught after church events, play dates or appointments needing a snack. I need a better system for keeping things in the car and I would LOVE your fast food/snack hacks to help us with planning ahead!

  3. Christine Patterson
    Christine Patterson says:

    Neither myself nor my kids buy otc chips if they want chips they make their own. Oh pics that would be no! Organics no we wash everything so why bother not paying for it. We are just big water drinkers all of our fridges have filter water options. My daughter is expecting twins in the next 5 weeks did not want a baby shower as tradition but wanted a market place shower meaning if you bought an item for$40 that is diapers maybe formula a doctors co pay visit

  4. Rebekah Hill
    Rebekah Hill says:

    In terms of organic food, I agree it not that worthwhile with produce like fruit & veg. Where I think it does have an impact is with meat. Organic meat can’t come from animals that have been given antibiotics, and with the antibiotic crisis we’re seeing due to overuse, organic meat can make a huge difference. Unfortunately it is crazy expensive, but we agreed to reduce our meat intake to compensate. Love your videos – keep them coming.

  5. Katie Carroll
    Katie Carroll says:

    I would love a video on throwing together a healthy meal in a hurry that small picky kids will eat. I don’t mind cooking or making to go lunches, but I have a hard time getting them to eat healthy foods. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  6. The Fibro Warrior
    The Fibro Warrior says:

    Oh goodness. I love this video. We are very frugal with groceries, 50 bucks currently for a family of 3 per week. We are currently downsizing our home, have never purchased new cars, usually 10 years old. We don't buy paper towels or many disposable items like that due to price. Have a 10 month old and I've never bought diapers or toys for him. Have gotten everything from people who have too much stuff! The less stuff we have the happier we are!!!

  7. Lisa Fort
    Lisa Fort says:

    I was shaking my head when you started this video – as I've heard the same thing. Actually, my daycare provider can't believe how healthy my child eats! – what does that say about other families. As you listed everything – I was yup! ditto! me too! not alone! I'm glad you discussed your total money makeover in another video as it led me to a different path, I was getting frustrated at money saving ideas that all revolved around things I don't spend money on. The other thing I don't spend money on is dog accessories, I love my big dog but she does not need snow booties or a cold/rain jacket! And personally, I also only buy the personal care necessities…

  8. Nicole Olson
    Nicole Olson says:

    Yes! We also don’t buy chips, soda, or excessive things for school. When we camp we do buy “treats” that we normally don’t buy. We are a family of 6 so we really try and stick to the budget. All the snacks you listed is exactly what we buy normally.

  9. Shelli Pagel
    Shelli Pagel says:

    My friends think it is weird that I don't buy something unless I know exactly where I am going to put it. I try to keep my home uncluttered and if I can't think of a place or use for something I just won't buy it.

  10. SootSprite
    SootSprite says:

    I'm so happy I'm not the only one who doesn't buy school pictures!! I've always felt really guilty about that, but I don't want to pay out the butt for large quantities of crappy photos.

  11. Jaclyn R
    Jaclyn R says:

    my weirdness my 6 and 10 year old don't have personal electronic devices and even then I make them earn their electronic time. I even got a voip home phone instead of a kid watch/phone for staying home alone. Teaching them balance in all areas of life and I'm okay being the weird mom

  12. Sue Castillo
    Sue Castillo says:

    Only comment I have is that I don’t like to eat corn chips that aren’t organic… gmo corn isn’t on my list of stuff to buy…BUT I think you’re right in doing you like you do you! Bravo! AND it sounds like your family is on board which is 99% of the battle! Oh! One more thing… no diet drinks… ever.. at all. You’re good🙋‍♀️😘☮️🕉♥️‼️😂

  13. Alexa
    Alexa says:

    Wow we are also weird, and don't purchase most of these. The main item we are working on is to eat at home before work, school, shopping, etc, so we are not tempted with fast good quickie. Good idea to carry water and
    Protein bar in car for snacks! Great video! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Megan A
    Megan A says:

    The chip thing makes me think of when I was a waitress and they were making fun of a parent being not giving their kids soda. To me that seems unhealthy and like it should be a treat food too.

  15. imafan26
    imafan26 says:

    I agree, I don't buy organic as a choice. The nutrient value of a carrot is the same if it is organic or not. FDA and local DOH monitors the food supply so anything that does not pass will get recalled which causes suppliers money, so it is in their best interest to make sure their products pass. Organic propaganda that is it healthier is not really true. Besides the organic pesticides which has to be used more often, if organic products are packaged they still contain other things that are not really good for you like salt and they still have to have some preservatives which usually does not last as long as the regular ones. If you don't buy processed foods, and buy food as close to unprocessed as you can like from a meat market or fresh grocer, then it really does not matter whether it is organic as not in terms of nutritional value. For some people it matters either ethically or for other reasons if animals of grass fed ( almost all animals are grass fed, but most are grain finished to add the extra weight and fat. If you don't like fat, then get the grass fed.

    I also don't buy a lot of clothes either and before the pandemic started I got most of my clothes from the hospital thrift shop. I do a lot of yard work. I don't need fancy clothes for that or everyday use working in the house. I do have to declutter, but that is so hard to throw anything out without regret

  16. Jennifer Wells
    Jennifer Wells says:

    Growing up (the 80's) none of my friends wanted to eat dinner at my house because my mom tended to make a lot of healthier meals, we had unsweetened ice tea to drink with it, and rarely a dessert. Pizza wasn't done in our house, generally the same for fast food because my father despised it all and didn't see why my mom couldn't just cook for him after work. My mom stopped buying my school pictures because she thought I looked awful in them. Kind of sucked since those were really the only photos we had of me. As far as organic foods, there are some of us who have to eat our uncooked produce organic. I became allergic to the pesticides used on most produce back in middle school, makes my throat close off. I don't waste money on things that get peeled or that I will be cooking, but other than that I have to.

  17. Liisa Glandorf
    Liisa Glandorf says:

    I am 100% in agreement with you except for Diet soda anywhere. (I just don't like the ingredients.) And I don't like the ingredients in Tide. But other than those two things, I'm glad there are moms like you out there! My daughter is an amazing mom and has taught me a LOT. Your family is blessed!

  18. TeNice Xoxo
    TeNice Xoxo says:

    I think everyone has things they just don't buy. I don't buy a lot of juice/soda, but I love wine and tea. I don't buy a lot of beef. Some of my family has a sensitivity to it, I don't, but just out of habit I don't eat it much.

  19. Danyel Watson
    Danyel Watson says:

    Your a great mom! Love this list! I agree with you. We paid 12,000 for our house, 3 bedroom 1 bathroom, wish we had another bathroom. We don’t buy new cars, used cars and pay cash. We quit fast food, hurts our stomachs and very expensive anymore. Thanks for the video. My friends think I’m weird cause I don’t do social media I have account just to check in with family far away. I love your YouTube channel, so I do watch YouTube.

  20. Lisa Bolton
    Lisa Bolton says:

    For years, I would buy a big bag of pretzels and divide them into small portions and/or bring a store name diet soda to work verses spending $2.00 per day at the vending machine and I’d be made fun of by my fellow nurses🤷🏼‍♀️🥲


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