Weight Watchers | Taking The Summer Off from the Journey | #weightwatchers#personalpoints#ww

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HI My Name is Denise and Welcome to my Channel! Snail Mail P. O. Box 216 Clarksboro, NJ 08020-0216 …

47 replies
  1. Tammy McDowell
    Tammy McDowell says:

    I almost stopped watching this video, but I kept thinking this does not sound like you. You are right. We always have to keep our eyes opened and are ears listening to this lifestyle. Otherwise, we will be right back in the old boat carrying the weight again and having to start over. I dont want to go back to the weight I was EVER!

  2. Kristi
    Kristi says:

    Lol, I knew you had to be kidding. Our Dee wouldn’t throw her healthy lifestyle to the side. You don’t become successful if you do things like that. With that being said, I’m struggling right now. My emotions are taking over and I don’t have the mental stamina to plan and devote a bunch of time to meals. My 101 yr old Dad has been trying to recover from Covid since June 28. I found him collapsed on his bathroom floor July 13. He is now in the hospital as weak as a kitten. He went from leading a pretty vibrant life at an independent living facility to in the hospital and will have to move to an assisted living facility. He doesn’t know this yet. All the memories of me finding my Mom deceased in 2019 came flooding back. I have no desire to use any mental energy on thinking/planning meals. I know this shouldn’t be an excuse but this is my reality. I wound up with Covid at the same time as my Dad and was quarantined too. I tried my best to get him extra home health care while I quarantined. When I finally got well I was shocked to see how much he had declined. It was my day 3 out of quarantine when I found him collapsed. I’m sure I’m rambling here, just to say I need help with my healthy eating. I dislike vegetables so that would be my first place to ask for help. I cannot stand carrots, but am open to other vegetables. Microwave steamed California veg mix is usually what we eat (I pick out the carrots). We might put a little salt and pepper on them. Ideas for tasty vegetables and ways to cook and season them is needed. Thanks for reading my ramblings.

  3. Margaret Pontious
    Margaret Pontious says:

    Great Video Dee. I don’t comment often but do listen and am trying my best to stay on plan. I don’t like the WW Personal Points plan but do like Carb Conscious on Healthy so have gone back to that plan – for now anyway.

  4. Meema Mc Living Healthy
    Meema Mc Living Healthy says:

    Love the way you started the video. Summer is the hardest time of year for me and yet in the past if I’ve needed to drop a few pounds (like last summer) I’ve sucked it up and did it. Thanks for the reality check, Denise.

  5. Mary Collins
    Mary Collins says:

    I hated the new plan (signed up again today) so contacted cust support and they gave me a workaround that will put me on a "green-look alike" ww program. Hoping it works. I need low-point sweet treat ideas.

  6. Eileen
    Eileen says:

    You had me fooled at the start! I totally agree. This has to be lifestyle and I’m slowly accepting that as I grow older, I can’t eat as much, but I can still have foods I enjoy. Thanks for all you do!

  7. Healthy Living With Roe Dee
    Healthy Living With Roe Dee says:

    Dee- if I take even a couple days off it could be disasterous for me. No joke. The Summer off? Ha! By August I would literally regain all my weight back. Honestly, Summer is my worst time. I'll take the holidays any day. Makes it even more important to do exactly what your saying!

  8. Pearl Drake
    Pearl Drake says:

    Thank you!! Great video, just what a lot of us needed!
    Good thing you weren't serious, your group loves you so much, many would have jumped ship with you! Lol
    Thanks again for be a strong leader! 💪 <3

  9. Lisa Crandall
    Lisa Crandall says:

    OMG! You had me freaked out. When I saw the thumbnail my first thought was how do you take a vacation from a lifestyle. So glad you were just getting people’s attention. I love the WW recipes and use them often. It’s helpful to be reminded about all the tools on the WW app.

  10. Marilyn Avent
    Marilyn Avent says:

    Dee I want to eat more plant based as well but don’t really know where to start. Do you have any experience with tofu and if so could you do some tofu cook with me’s. Thanks.

  11. Sharon Woodall
    Sharon Woodall says:

    Great video Dee. I’m with you. This trip to the ocean we enjoyed chicken kabobs, turkey burgers, salad, potatoes and fruit. Still tracked but didn’t think about weight AT ALL. We ate healthy and are living life. 😊

  12. Becky Mueller
    Becky Mueller says:

    This is the easiest time of year for me. Because of all the farmers markets! When September comes we will be glad we stayed on track. (Mostly). Cause come October you know what comes……. Halloween then Thanksgiving and Christmas. The hardest time of the year. There’s always going to be a reason to quit! Don’t let summer be one! We can do this! Great video Dee!! 🤟😘🤗❤️

  13. Kathy Gudgeon
    Kathy Gudgeon says:

    You almost got me but honestly I knew you’ve come too far to take time off! I know I don’t comment much but I always watch. And thanks to you and Joan I rejoined WW and I’m loving it. Healthi wasn’t working for me anymore. Thank you for your encouragement and being such and inspiration!

  14. Debbie Gibson
    Debbie Gibson says:

    Your videos and recipes motivate me, I love cookbooks like you like to send you an ebook from Martha McKinnon she is a lifetime member. If u would like it I need your email address?? Its a big file would like to send it to you if interested, thanks Debbie from Alabama!!

  15. Eva P
    Eva P says:

    Hey Dee, it’s summer and I need a break 😊Enjoy the heat😋But I am going to do it my way, I want to eat better, workout and sweat and do hot yoga 🧘‍♀️ detox and be ready to get back on track in September. Hopefully I don’t gain weight, but lose a few pounds. It’s not a diet but a lifestyle change. Make better choices and summer is here let’s go 🍤🥗🌽🍎🍉🍦🌮🍓🍑🥝🫐🥦🥒🍌🍍

  16. Tracy Wilkerson
    Tracy Wilkerson says:

    We can always come up with an excuse to not do the plan! I’ve done it many times throughout my life. And guess what? When I don’t focus, the weight creeps up!!! I need this accountability and I cannot step away!! Lifetime in 2001. Lost 89 lbs and kept it off for 10 years….. and then strayed and did other stuff and here I am!! 15 over goal working my way back!!! If only I hadn’t walked away……..
    But I don’t look back – only forward! No regrets!

  17. Dot Castagno
    Dot Castagno says:

    🌺Hi Denise
    I agree that we need to stay focused on our journey
    no matter the season.
    I can finally see enough to type & read the post.
    Yesterday was hard……after the injections the eye hurts & my
    good eye has a lot of drops in it so vision is poor.
    I am not giving up,because I feel better, I look better & it maintains
    my health issues.
    I agree I see a lot of videos that the person is now doing another plan
    counting calories, all this macros instead of Pts. Etc it can be misleading
    to many.
    You are motivating to so many. You were the 1st you tube channel i ever watched when I started back in Feb. I know I appreciate you.

  18. Heather Skinner
    Heather Skinner says:

    I’m at my breaking point. Im disgusted with the weight gain. I’m actually thinking of road tripping to nj for fresh produce. The Wegovy is on back order since Dec. I gotta pick up ozempic (for weight loss not diabetes) I wish I had a pool 🏊‍♀️
    Tonight I made lasagna noodles with the fiber gourmet flour. My knees, hip & back are really out of whack making walking difficult. Strawberries on a salad with sf balsamic is so yummy. I’m sick of chicken, fish, & burger. I love fresh garden veggies.

  19. Anne Kern
    Anne Kern says:

    My plates are almost filled with veggies with a tiny piece of fish or veggie burger …I am now pescatarian so I eat lots of fruits and veggies….I grab a tomato like you grab an apple….Just love it!


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