Weight Watchers Freestyle Recipe: PB Chocolate Cheesecake Greek Yogurt (1SP)!

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Another WW Freestyle Recipe comin’ at ya! Today’s recipe is dessert style–SUPER YUMMY, SUPER FILLING, SUPER QUICK & EASY, and VERY low in points!

20 replies
  1. Lisa C
    Lisa C says:

    I tried it with my green plan and it came out to 4 points, but that was a good size dessert for so few. I will tweak the flavor a bit more to the chocolate-peanut butter side–which will affect the points, but I think this is a good recipe.

  2. Jan Tjaden
    Jan Tjaden says:

    This sounds and looks really good. I just subscribed. 😊. I have what is probably a dumb question. Can I use the instant pudding powder and how much Cool Whip do you use?I’m on a weight loss journey, but not in WW.
    I’m anxious to try it.! Thank you!

  3. Marilyn Anderson
    Marilyn Anderson says:

    I changed 3 ingredients to get this to 0 pts total. I use 13 Lily's Dark Chocolate baking chips for 0 pts. I also use 6 gms, weighed, of each of the pudding mixes for 0 pts. I also use Nature's Promise Peanut Powder, 1TB=0 pts, instead of the PB2. I ran this through the WW Recipe Builder to be sure it all came out to zero. Enjoy!

  4. redgirlusa
    redgirlusa says:

    Omg! I made this today but used the white chocolate in place of the chocolate and I forgot to add the PB2 but….this was super yummilicious (new word)!!!!! Thank you for this goodness 🤗

  5. Nancy Madsen
    Nancy Madsen says:

    OMG that is AMAZING! In Canada we don’t have Jello cream cheese pudding so I used Jello cream cheese cake mix. I also can’t eat anything with aspartame, so I had the 3-2-1 mug cake mixture with angel food cake mix and chocolate cake mix. I also forgot Cool whip, oops, but it was amazing and now I am hooked. Have to get a big tub of Greek yogurt,

  6. JPS
    JPS says:

    Looks delish but that sugar free jello has an ingredient list longer than a Daniele Steel novel in particular aspartame which is the most dangerous of the artificial sweeteners and spikes blood sugar levels more than real sugar. I use maple syrup or honey as a natural sweetener.

  7. Cassandra Cronin
    Cassandra Cronin says:

    Hi Jodi!! I just started weight watchers freestyle two weeks ago 😄 I will definitely try this recipe it looks amazing! Could you use regular natural peanut butter or does it have to be pb2? Love you, you are so pretty and my inspiration for joining weight watchers and John Glenn is my "why"!


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