WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PREP IN UNDER 40 MINUTES! | The Simplest & Cheapest Method!

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46 replies
  1. Carrie Ngugi
    Carrie Ngugi says:

    What?? Rem is eating chicken rice and veggies?? Whoa…..

    Keeping it simple like this is great. But still shocked at seeing Rem meal prep veggies considering most videos he is constantly saying how he doesn't like eating veggies most days.

  2. Stacy
    Stacy says:

    Bro make sure you rinse the rice first! Tons of extra starch on there out of the bag …also reheats much better and won't get mushy. (if I missed that step in the video pls ignore)

  3. Jesse A
    Jesse A says:

    Would love to see you revisit a budget meal prep like you’ve done years ago… it’s no secret that inflation is hitting everyone and I’d love to see your spin on an affordable Remington James meal prep for the week.

  4. peejayfromhell
    peejayfromhell says:

    1:25 honestly, basmati and maybe arborio (risotto rice) ar the only ones I actually like.
    If you have access to Tilda's steamed microwaveable rice and can afford those, o highly highly recommend.
    Their coriander and lime basmati is absolutely delicious.

  5. Zwordsman
    Zwordsman says:

    i l ike the frozen ones yep. though I'll usually air fry from frozen. crispy burnt.
    I also like chili crisp oil.. but that ranks up the fat a lot.
    Kimchi is good too.


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