Weigh In Saturday Ep 23 | Our Monthly Measurements and What Are Fat Bombs?

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Weigh In Saturday Ep 23 | Our Monthly Measurements and What Are Fat Bombs? HAPPY SATURDAY! We are trucking along and …

23 replies
  1. Deborah Allen
    Deborah Allen says:

    I can’t have much cheese. It makes me stall or slows down my weight loss. I generally have a little once a week, if that. I am 70 years old, so I know that factors in. It is very hard for me to lose weight, but it is coming off.

  2. Deborah Allen
    Deborah Allen says:

    It does depend on the person concerning fats. Maria Emmerich and her husband teach that if you have fat to lose you don’t go with “no fat”, but you don’t do 1:1 protein/fat. I am cutting back on fats to see if I lose better. They say to have 30 g of fat daily, so you aren’t going with no fat. I guess you have to experiment and find what works for you.

  3. Kathy Allen
    Kathy Allen says:

    That would be hard to live with others who aren't Keto. Congratulations on the weight loss and inches!!! Oh wow a pool would be awesome!! Great fun exercise! Have a great weekend!

  4. Zanna Taylor
    Zanna Taylor says:

    Congrats on the weight and inches, lost guys! 💪
    (It's not 20%, but just use Wendy's Lovingitonketo code for 15% off at Redmond). If you have a BBB&E egg custard recipe to share, that would be great 👍

  5. Joanna Rippon
    Joanna Rippon says:

    I found you during your BBBE challenge. I hadn’t realized that you’ve only begun Keto a few months ago. You’re doing great! When I began in 2017 there wasn’t any keto products and really not much help. Some were trying to spread the word but it was few & far between. Fat bombs were a staple for me. I would make mine with dark chocolate, coconut oil and stevia. Sometimes I’d add some peanut butter. I think I need to get back on that fat bomb train 🚂 Keep up the good work!

  6. Redwine
    Redwine says:

    Hey that's really good and remember the closer u get to ur goal the slower it goes. Well I think it's just a mind game. But either way u guys are still doing great

  7. Redwine
    Redwine says:

    Yep I think I need to go back to basics and for a good while I cut back on fats and I don't think I should have plus I didn't feel right. But yep I think I'm going back to basics.


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