Weigh in catchup with LifeByJen

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49 replies
  1. Texas 1
    Texas 1 says:

    Just eat protein and fresh/frozen veggies! It’s delicious . Use lemon pepper. What’s so great about carbs? Bread gums up your intestines. That includes rice, pasta and crackers/chips. They’re bad for your intestines. Carbs constipate you, carbs zap energy, carbs even give you a terrible fatigue/malaise. Same with sugar! Just cut out junk food. You’d be surprised at how in shape you’ll be.

  2. judyshines
    judyshines says:

    You talk shit about others weight acting like you’re skinnier than them… you’ve said your on a weight loss journey, but you haven’t lost any weight. You exactly the same. Bash yourself cause you need weight loss help too.

  3. Alexandra Picot
    Alexandra Picot says:

    This cow is the worst and you are completely wrong about her. She never goes out. EVER. NEVER. AND SHES SUCH A DICKHEAD. And she doesn’t even need that wheelchair, she can walk. She’s just lazy AF.

  4. Sarah Grant
    Sarah Grant says:

    Relating to her has maybe made you a bit soft. She has set too many goals. Sounds like Gene went back to AA and she's doing her version with OA. Is she in a group home/assisted living home of some sort? That would make it easier to keep up with the days as such since most have a weekly schedule.

    I've never gone to an OA meeting but I feel that is the opposite of what one should do if the goal is to loose weight. You'll only learn new "tricks" and put more weight on. Instead, go to where you want to be health-wise, instead of where you are.

  5. Emmy P
    Emmy P says:

    Hello, saw your collaboration with Charlie, and I really loved hearing from all of you, so each one of you now have a new subscriber😊looking forward to seeing videos you have done and the ones you will do

  6. ReneeH20
    ReneeH20 says:

    Prefacing this by saying I lost & maintain a 110 lb weight loss on a low carb, low sugar diet ( Dr. Eric Westman). It is not for everyone but works for me. As Keto became popular, it became muddled with bad information. I eat clean keto – real food- as opposed to dirty keto – processed foods with a keto label slapped on. Everyone needs to do what’s right for them. Seeing a doctor that specializes in obesity medicine would be the best way to hone in the best eating plan. I 100% agree with you on unrealistic weight loss expectations. At my heaviest I lost 12 lbs the first month and then each month the weight loss was less. 1-2 lbs per week is healthy & sustainable.

  7. BlackOpzFX
    BlackOpzFX says:

    Jen needs to STOP doing Keto. Keto is UNFORGIVING of Cheating!! It works Wonders when you stick to it but Lordy when you cheat your body is PRIMED for Fat Storage!! Its the diet with the worst rebound effect if you cant follow it strictly.

  8. BlackOpzFX
    BlackOpzFX says:

    Cherry Real Talk. We're Quarantined, We're Bored and except for ALR these Gorls are driving off a Cliff. WE NEED CONTENT!! – Thank You – This has been a Public Service Announcement…

  9. Whole 180
    Whole 180 says:

    I found OA to be too regimented & stressful for me based on the way it was handled in the group I joined. Each night, we were to contact our sponsor with a menu of what & how much we'd be eating the next. Days when I wasn't hungry, I was reminded to take in sufficient calories to keep my metabolism up; days I wanted to eat more, I was cautioned about overeating. The planning & reporting was too OCD for my personality. I'm curious to read/hear about others' experiences.

  10. A.J. Lare
    A.J. Lare says:

    Maya, the Fastest Fat Lady, l8st 100lbs in 3mo! I'm a longtime prolonged faster, I usually did a schedule of 4.5day fasts, 2.5 off (enjoy whatever I want) but for the past 7mo I've upped my fasting, my longest fast was 13days, ate one egg, and stopped at 14days… I love this lifestyle! I get to lose weight like crazy, maintain, and also still enjoy all the food and drink I want! Praise Jesus for helping me lose almost half my weight! 200lbs, down to recently 119.8! Fasting is is so healing as well, now my thyroid tests normal and no more meds! I live fasting because you see incredible results so quickly, that it keeps you motivated!

  11. Sunshine Kisses
    Sunshine Kisses says:

    I love your commentary with Jen. Another commentator I had been trying to watch was just ruthlessly mean, like Jen has personally burned her house down and flipped her kids off. IDK, but I love your attitude in how you address Jen.

    My way of eating permanently is Whole30. I tried keto, but I am a sever jerk without carbs. I’ve had a ton of success with learning balance with Whole30, and I fell into intermittent fasting naturally because I am finally able to hear my body and I’m not as high get as I previously thought I was.

  12. Manuela Glavas
    Manuela Glavas says:

    Weight loss is tricky, and not linear.
    For example, I'm close to where I think my body wants to be (I'm guessing upper normal BMI range is where it will be). I only need to lose 5 pounds more to be a normal BMI. I'm so close!
    But now I need to consciously slow down. Did a bit of IF, trying to eat not keto, but on the lower carb side and very traditional foods. I'm starting to see my ribs and the face gets a bit too haggard too… The weight that I can still lose is more on the thighs and a bit on the belly.
    Now I eat 3 times a day again. Losen up my rules, I need to slow down. I'm close, but my body gives me signs that I need to be careful now, I don't have 60pounds of reserves anymore like when I started, and the BMI is just a guideline.
    Losing weight is never linear. It's a journey, learning about yourself. I wish everybody lots of success!

  13. Lydia Jackson
    Lydia Jackson says:

    I just started the keto diet 2 weeks ago and have lost 11 lbs so far. (Water weight mostly). I just basically eat meat, vegetables, and healthy fats from hemp seeds, avocados, and nuts. I feel so much better on the inside. My husband is athletic and can’t sustain a keto diet. He says he needs whole grains and healthy carbs to feel good. Long story short. Do what makes you feel your best. Keto is not for everyone. 😊

  14. Leslie Pritchard
    Leslie Pritchard says:

    So glad you have the ability to work from home, but I totally understand what you're saying about not having a schedule. My husband is off this week, and we've been going to bed at like 6am. We're 47 and 48 years old. 😂😂😂❤

  15. Cheryl D
    Cheryl D says:

    i dont know why people dont try weight watches o the itrackbites app…..i have an easier time counting 30 points vs 1200 calories…and you can still eat all your fav foods…its more portion control and learning what proper sizes should be eaten

  16. Joda
    Joda says:

    If she ate smaller portions of healthier foods she’d lose weight. Like someone else said..it’s calories in and calories out. In order to maintain her weight and then gain some, she must be eating well over 4000 calories a day.
    And what is lazy keto, dirty keto, cheating keto? Basically, she just wants to eat junk, call it keto and pray for weight loss.

  17. LilBearRomance
    LilBearRomance says:

    I just don’t think going on a calorie restrictive diet works in the long run because eventually most people will feel deprived and fall off the wagon as you yourself have said that you have. If you are eating things that satisfy you and are happy with your diet, that rarely happens. Yesterday for example, I had a bowl of cream of wheat with coconut milk and sugar and a banana for breakfast, 2 bowls of mushroom stroganoff for lunch and two bowls potatoes and broccoli with sea salt and a tiny bit of dairy free butter for dinner. I was completely satisfied. A starch based, plant based diet is the way to go.

  18. Anne Quiet
    Anne Quiet says:

    I really cannot see myself calling you weak and everything else you mentioned bc you keep going and making better choices. As far as I’ve seen, you’re not an asshole who talks down to your viewers and you’re not a liar. I would love to see more of your personal health vlogs.

  19. ursonate
    ursonate says:

    When you say you can't give up carbs (and by you I mean the general all y'all out there, not just you you), I think what is forgotten is that vegetables contain carbs. No one is saying don't eat vegetables (well, except for carnivores, but that's a whole different level). What I believe people are really saying is they can't give up starches like bread, pasta, and grains, or in other words sugar.

    ETA: I wish she would just do "keto" without worrying about keto and all the nuances of "dirty keto" or "clean keto". I guess that's what's so great about No Sugar No Grains. Keep it simple and go on with your life!

  20. Twinkie
    Twinkie says:

    I can’t even imagine losing 3 lbs in a week. Even at my fattest, with a full-blown restrictive ED, I lost maybe 10 lbs a month.

    I went to OA with anorexia. They list it as a possibility online, but in my experience, it just made me hunger down into my disorder. Even the other anorexia/bulimia support groups did that. Eventually, my shrink banned them from my life and had me focus on recreating a life for myself that didn’t center on being sick.

  21. Fit Fatty
    Fit Fatty says:

    “I know it all comes down to calories in, calories out, and just getting out and moving…”


    High weight: 214 lb
    Current weight: 158.2 lb
    (Goal weight: 135 lb)

    I eat whatever I want, just in moderation. Easy to sustain because I’m not denying/depriving myself of anything.

    Keto is NOT necessary for weight loss and too drastic for most people to sustain long term.

  22. Peachykeen
    Peachykeen says:

    She would have to stick to 1200 calories a day with at least moderate exercise every day to lose 10 lbs a week. She could do it, but I doubt she would be able to stick to that low of calories a day. That's hard for anyone, much less someone her size with overeating disorder. There is just no way she wouldn't be hungry, which is not what she should be doing without a lot more support than she has right now.

  23. The Bitchy Crafter
    The Bitchy Crafter says:

    If you look at Jen's what I eat in a day videos, she just half asses her keto (dirty keto), she eats too many carbs, and eats way too many calories. That's why she isn't losing weight even doing "keto." Keto is just another way to cut calories. You're supposed to fill up on fat and protein and low carb veggies, not cheat the system all the time and load up on calories.

  24. Entisar Nurhussen
    Entisar Nurhussen says:

    In my opinion, the one from all of our gorls who have the biggest reason to lose weight is not Jen, it’s Amy. Jen doesn’t have kids but Amy does. But she only cares about herself and her own feelings, that’s why she’s not losing as much weight as she wants to.

  25. vic the gemini
    vic the gemini says:

    I really appreciate you still putting out content bc i really look forward to it! I was thinking and you should make a video abt what u do to keep yourself busy during social distancing and all. For me this situation has been very hard on my binges and keeping myself occupied, i could certainly get some notes. Thank u so much for ur videos, we appreciate u and hope u stay safe!

  26. Cin Sin
    Cin Sin says:

    Yes!! Specialists!! Doctors can only be well versed in so much!! People remember that!! If you show problems with your heart they send you to a cardiologist and so on.

  27. Jessica Lynn
    Jessica Lynn says:

    If Jen would do keto the right way, she would be losing so much more weight. But she likes to make those keto bagels, Chaffles and cakes. I did keto for 2 years and the first year I never made those things. And when I did , it just made me gain weight

  28. Ms. Phoebe
    Ms. Phoebe says:

    Why are all the review channels saying they don’t want to react because they ‘want to be more positive during this time,’ yet their argument the rest of the time is that their reactions are not negative?! It makes no sense and contradicts what they claim to be all the time- you’re either negative or your not.
    It’s supposed to be a reaction I thought, not a tear down- so what’s the issue?

  29. Mainer S
    Mainer S says:

    I feel that Jen tries to stick to keto because she has done worse with any other diet. She does the best with keto because she has failed even more with all the rest. Keto or LCHF at least controls blood sugar. I suspect that she is diabetic and that is why she is afraid to go off keto.

  30. Christina Figueroa
    Christina Figueroa says:

    Agree with your point about a GP not being a dietitian. People use this as a point to discredit doctors, but there is a specialty for every aspect of health. If you need specific insights these are the professionals you need to see, if you need more than general guidance about a major health issue. Thank you for bringing this up.

  31. Susanka.Kaczmarek
    Susanka.Kaczmarek says:

    Cherry, this maybe just me, but Jen looks so sad in her video. I don't know if she was tired, or something else was going on, I don't know. I hope walking will improve her mood and help her overall circulation. Cherry, your weight loss has been consistent and steady. Its the best way to diet as you know. Loved you in Charlie's livestream, your laugh is great.


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