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HAPPY FRIDAY! I have a HUGE NSV to share and write the weigh in! How was your week? Enjoy! xo SNACKS & DESSERTS …

23 replies
  1. Judy Bagley
    Judy Bagley says:

    I invested in a Peloton and it completely overhauled my exercise life in the very best way. Previously I was doing Jazzercise, which I loved, but Peloton is next level. I save so much time by not driving anywhere too. I’ve never been one to work out at home. Every piece of exercise equipment ended up as a clothes rack …until Peloton!

  2. Ann M
    Ann M says:

    Hi Jen, Just catching up with you. I was diagnosed with T2D in November. I was soo tired & thirsty before I finally went to doctor very scary!. I also joined a local gym just so I can use the treadmill & weights. The meds they put me on have helped me lose weight. I actually lost the first 15lbs in ketosis not knowing why I was losing weight I have lost alot more too. So glad your program is working for you. Glad you found out about your thyroid issue I know family with same issue. I have a dietician helping me she is awesome! I still have a ways to go.

  3. POEtry Girl
    POEtry Girl says:

    That is wonderful Jen. Great weight lose. Love that everything seems to be falling into place for you. I love the fact that you feel so much better.
    I belong to Snap I love it.

  4. bondgirl00722
    bondgirl00722 says:

    Hi Jenn-Congrats to you on the positive changes and seeing the results! That’s Awesome! 🌟😎 Thank you for your videos and your inspiration! I’m finally starting to see the scale move too because I’m increasing my workouts and watching my portions. 😎👍 I know you said you don’t think oatmeal Sweetened with sugar is a good idea but I’ve been hooked on the Kodiak Cakes protein oatmeal which is whole grain and has 12 grams of protein for each kind they make. The Cinnamon is my favorite and my second favorite is the Chocolate Chip. There is only 9 to 10 grams of sugar in each packet. I wish it was lower but it tastes good and it’s my main carbs with fiber each day and I look forward to it. Are you still eating oatmeal with your new changes? I do eat regular steel cut oats occasionally too but I prefer the protein oatmeal. Please let me know what you think about protein oatmeal. Thanks!


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