Weekly Weigh In Results | What We Ate on Keto this Week

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Weekly Weigh In Results | What We Ate on Keto this Week We weigh In every Saturday and these are our results! We have lost …

24 replies
  1. Julie Croussette
    Julie Croussette says:

    I'm like James, I have a very weird relationship with dairy hahaha! I decided to stop eating it for a week, I felt a LOT better (sinus issues cleared up after 17 years, more than half of my life!). I had some last Friday and boy did I feel bad! After 20-30 minutes, my face was itching, my nose was stuffy, I felt nausous during the hours that followed…I stopped again. I feel sooo good now, but I'm very, very sad cause I love cheese! I will try again in a couple of months just to see if I can have it on special occasions. I hope James feels better now and that he finds out why he was feeling bad! 🙂

  2. Mary T
    Mary T says:

    Scale was down for me today – I was below my original goal for 4 years but gained 8-10 inexplicably recently. It’s coming back off now, need it gone before cruising. I almost missed your live with Dawn and Mike as I was out walking…hit 20 miles so far this month! Can’t wait to see you on the cruise!

  3. Cynthia A
    Cynthia A says:

    I missed my check in last week but I’m down a pound!! It has been a struggle!! I can’t tell you how much the encouragement from you and everyone means! Thank you and congrats on your week!! 😊

  4. blank
    blank says:

    Started watching this video, then watched the live with DDK. Came back to finish this video… Laughing at “we aren’t those people” cause you were “late” to the live. Glad you guys had a good week and looks like a great start to the weekend.

  5. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    James, you crack me up. A leather it’s self. Somethings up with the corn beef this year I have never had a bad corn beef. My dad was a master meat chef and I learned everything from him. We had a restaurant when I was 18 until I was 30 years old and he taught me everything about cooking and baking although I don’t think his wonderful biscuits but my corn beef was so tough this year it was awful. I don’t know what happened. I’m gonna go ahead and get some more and try again because this stumped me.

  6. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I’m with you James. I don’t know what happened to me yesterday. I’m never out of energy I never take a nap. I’m never tired and yesterday I had zero energy. I exercised anyway I took care of my mom. Anyway. I did St. Patrick’s Day dinner anyway but I was absolutely exhausted with absolutely no reason for it, I never even thought about it being the change of time but I think my body is finally figuring it out it so I’m characteristic of me to be so sleepy. I fell asleep in my chair watching videos. That never happens and when I say never, I-mean never. I don’t mean or rarely, I mean never.

  7. ginny robison
    ginny robison says:

    It's my birthday & so glad I get to watch a new video from my favorite keto couple! ♥️ Just got back from a wildlife safari park & going to an Irish pub tonight (bangers but no mash!). Had surf & turf last night w/ broccoli & Caesar salad w/out croutons. Looking forward to doing BBB&E with you guys next month – Huzzah! 😄


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