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38 replies
  1. Shun Shyne
    Shun Shyne says:

    Hello Dom, I agree with you on the sneaky link and take your time and enjoy taking care of yourself/doing things that you need to do. Those are some cute decor you purchased and the dice goes well with your tv stand. I loved this vlog thank you for sharing it.

  2. Dee Luther
    Dee Luther says:

    New Subbie
    God bless you N Your family
    I Wish you All the best
    Love that thumbNail Tho
    Road To 500k
    Beyond Gorgeous Sexy you are
    Ur Makeup Always On Point
    Super cute Outfit
    Hope you Having A FABULOUS Weekend
    😇Stay Bless N Be safe Always😇

  3. Alecia Rones
    Alecia Rones says:

    I feel the same way. I've been single and sex free for a year and I'm fine with it. I'm getting to know me and finally doing things my way and if they cant deal with it fine then their not the one for me. It gets lonely at times but I'm being patient and doing me

  4. Harriett Myatt
    Harriett Myatt says:

    You are doing great . You will know when it's time to trust again. You have been through the bad so you know or you are learning to know the signs of what you do not want in your life. You are a smart woman. God Bless

  5. Sha Meek
    Sha Meek says:

    Leaving food out overnight. It grows bacteria within 2 hours. The proper thing to do is put it in the fridge. Yes this can be weird because you don’t want it to drop the temp of the fridge, however you can cheat by leaving it uncovered in the freezer for like 30 minutes then straight into the fridge.

  6. Ruth Wells
    Ruth Wells says:

    You have GROWN!!! Blessings to you. Sex is a gift that married people should share. You are a beautiful young lady, the RIGHT MAN will come for you!!!! Love yourself and keep growing, God got you!!!!!

  7. Marianna Herard
    Marianna Herard says:

    Hi Dominique I just love your videos. I’m glad you’re back and feeling good. Last week you told me that I won and reach out on telegram I don’t have telegram so where and how else can I reach you in private, I have Instagram and Facebook maybe through messenger you’re let me know. Have you tried bannann pèse in cup shape with griot and pikliz if you haven’t you should. Hugs and kisses 🇭🇹🌹🌹😘

  8. Roberta Butler
    Roberta Butler says:

    Hey Dom, I can feel your heaviness. But inspite of it all you are doing great. I’m praying for you… the soul tie will be broken and when you’re healed and ready he will appear… sending you love and strength

  9. Porsche H
    Porsche H says:

    Hey, girl, hey! If I can’t tell you ANYTHING…please invest in a 🌹toy and keep it pushing. Not all, but a lot of these men aren’t about a dog on thang nor worth giving your body. Love on you until someone comes along who shows and proves he wants the same thing as you! Blessings

  10. M Jordan
    M Jordan says:

    Heyy Dom the lovely!! 🥰💕💖
    I missed the live – A few words for thought… As I'm a 57 young old sir..
    The one God sends will respect you with their words and honor you with their actions. They'll speak life to your dreams and build you up in faith. They will and should Love you, pray for and with you, pursue you. Be Faithful to you, encourage you and fight for time to be in your presence.

  11. abbi Dragg
    abbi Dragg says:

    Hello Dom so proud of you and how you are doing now you have your whole life in front of you and can live it how you want. I was in a too-controlling relationship and managed to get out so now living my best life and yes it can be lonely, but you got this plus you have a great family which helps send blessings and light to you and your mother and family from London England 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍😎😎😎😎😎

  12. Sharon Chase
    Sharon Chase says:

    Hi Dominique. I’m listening to you regarding your therapy session and thoughts. My opinion is this…I think you definitely need to detox your feelings and emotions to heal. When you feel it is time to date, let it be established in the beginning that you are not looking for looong term dating. Dating is for high school. Let it be known you are looking for marriage. This way, he is aware if this is a relationship he want to pursue or not. I know exactly what you are feeling because we were born on the same day. We are good honest people and we have a tendency to give our all. Sometimes we give too much. Now, that I’m 58 years YOUNG 😊. I developed a stuff, (but still honest and sweet) skin. I’ve learn to speak what’s on my mind, instead of sweeping things under the rug for the sake of hurting people feelings. If the truth is the truth, you will be holding that person accountable because you made them aware of what’s not comfortable to you. A lot of times, we don’t address negative uncomfortable situations (especially in relationships) and it builds up. But, sweetie when you learn to say NO! You’re not going to do this to me. You are getting that MONKEY off your back and YOU become free. Then and only then he can’t say he didn’t know what was on your heart and mind. And in fact, I’ve learn to use that not only in relationships but for anyone. I hope this helps. I pray for your strength in the Lord.

  13. Coco S
    Coco S says:

    I just started a new job! So I have to catch up with your part two vacation Vlog
    But I just want to say you are moving forward so positively. Yes self care dates are a must 🎉 always have to celebrate you

  14. Dayna J
    Dayna J says:

    Ok, I kinda feel your therapist on the sneaky link thing.. I love being free and coming home to ☮️ and quiet, and no socks on my floor 😂😂. But when I want male company for vacation or a date to a party, I have a “special friend” I call, just like the unmarried aunties/grannies used to have, lol. We both like being friends with benefits, no one is using each other. And if we decide to settle down later, that works too. Living life on your terms is always better ❤

  15. DetroitSoul1218
    DetroitSoul1218 says:

    I can't believe your therapist is telling you to sin!!!! I am so proud of you for realizing you are attaching your spirit to that person and allowing their spirit to attach to you when you have sex. That's why GOD created sex for marriage because sex is deeper than the physical act. Maybe you need a Christian therapist.Your current therapist is trying to add more baggage and trauma to you….RUN sis!!!


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