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42 replies
  1. Queen Mama Bear Tv
    Queen Mama Bear Tv says:

    90% of losing weight is nutrition and 10% is exercise, I suffer from high blood pressure and I am a diabetic, Portion control was the key for me, I love food and I wasn’t gonna become vegan just to lose some weight so I portion control and cut back on the things that contain a lot of sugar and I did lose weight. Also moving 30 minutes a day is the best to start with with when you have been out the game for a while.

  2. Kayla Monroe
    Kayla Monroe says:

    Self checkout all day… idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think I have become accustom too it… I blame COVID 😂😂😂
    Side note… I love your channel and your positivity. I pray that god continues strength you and use you more than ever before. Girl I struggle with my weight too.. you are beautiful inside and out no matter the number in the scale because that doesn’t define us. As long as you keep moving to keep that heart strong ( just take a walk around the neighborhood or do exercise of YouTube) and you are feeling good about yourself that’s all that matter💜

  3. Claudette Sylvester
    Claudette Sylvester says:

    Yesenia, Thank You for sharing Your plans to become healthier. Please don’t be ashamed. You are not alone. Though You are struggling with Your Weight and a Workout Plan. Please know! At the end of the day, We’re all struggling with some. No matter the situation. ‘A Struggle Is A Struggle’!
    Throughout Your Journey, I will keep You in My Prayers.

  4. Claudette Sylvester
    Claudette Sylvester says:

    Yesenia, Even when there’s only ‘Self Check Out’ please stick to Your Guns and someone will definitely Check You Out. I made a Personal decision that I would not contribute to taking away Someone’s Job. Due to this decision, I have never used Self Check Out.

  5. Teeyah2
    Teeyah2 says:

    Hey Senia!! Glad you're feeling better1😁 I thoroughly enjoyed the vlog and the music was on point. I myself like to self check. That's one less person touching my groceries. You've got beautiful hair and your twist out fro came out cute 😍 !

  6. Teneal Williams
    Teneal Williams says:

    Hey Sis, thank you so much for your advice I’m definitely is going to do that. Your spaghetti looks so delicious I’m going to try the sausage next time in mines. And now those pots are called the Dean&White you aspired me to buy the whole set😂 The cookies looked delicious😘❤️🥰I use the Mielle product on boys head and I love it

  7. JacJac
    JacJac says:

    Glad you’re feeling better. I don’t like the fact that self checkout takes away jobs. That’s my only dislike when it comes to that. I enjoy scanning my own things so I can keep my eyes on the shady prices, they do the switcharoo sometimes on you. 🤣 Also, the less hands that touch my items, the better. I also don’t like small talk, especially while I’m dealing with my moolah. I’m Team Self Checkout. We call that pot the Yesenia pot in our house. 🤣

  8. Mamie Davis
    Mamie Davis says:

    Hi simply Yesenia I am so glad you feeling much better cuz I seem like you was on the weather and everything and I just saw your video yesterday and I know you was talking about your weight and everything I'mma let you know you look amazing as long as your husband love it and your kids love it don't worry about nobody else would they have to say and I think you look amazing and everything and you doing an amazing job on your videos and I just love them when I watch them and I know it's going to be great when I see one and yesterday looks so nice and everything and your food when you be cooking like I said and be amazing and everything so keep up the good work and keep up your head don't worry about them what nobody saying keep on smiling and everything you look amazing and everything so can't wait to see you next video and hope you feeling much better you have a blessed night always God love you

  9. CoffeeCrazy
    CoffeeCrazy says:

    😆 Grocery shopping is such a process isn’t it? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I say the same thing….in the cart, out of the cart, back in the cart, out of the cart and into the car, then out of the car and in the house 😂 and THEN put it all away lol

  10. LaShumbra Bates
    LaShumbra Bates says:

    I love self checkout. That means I don't have to deal with anybody. That's how I deal with my anxiety. And also going very early in the morning on the weekend, while everybody else is still in the bed.

    I use Persil also. Used to use Tide. I have to buy more because my father, who doesn't usually do laundry, was washing for my mom, who's in the hospital, and he used almost all of my Persil. 😕😅

  11. Amber Rocha
    Amber Rocha says:

    I’m on the same boat Yesenia I feel you! I’m trying to love myself the way weight I’m right now but I want to be more mindful of what I’m putting in my body! Love the vlogs!! God bless!! Prayers for all us lady’s needing to get healthier!

  12. Lelee Daniels
    Lelee Daniels says:

    Hey! I totally agreed with you about going to the grocery store in the morning alone. I love it. Girl you’re not alone regarding the weight situation. I gained a lot during the pandemic and now I’m struggling trying to get it off. Bread and sweets is my weakness.

  13. Mrs Helen
    Mrs Helen says:

    Yesenia, I don't do self check out either. I'm retired and I never worked in a grocery store. I feel they need to hire more peeps! 😆😆Carbs are so delicious, I love them too. I understand what you're dealing with.. I gained a lot of weight during covid, also, I hate exercisingtoo.

  14. Wendy Thomas
    Wendy Thomas says:

    Carbs make me FAT!! I just walk 20min. a day & watch my carbs & add tons of fruit & veggies. I don't avoid eating anything.Its working for me. I walk in the morning or I won't get to it!🧡

  15. Abijah Grant
    Abijah Grant says:

    Hi Yesenia. This touches home about feeling good in your skin. I also lost close to 40 pounds about 2 years ago and gained it back due to what I was eating and not working out. I just enrolled back in the gym this past Saturday and started officially going this past Sunday. I go early in the morning before work and when I tell you my day starts off with this feeling of accomplishment. I can’t describe the feeling but it feels good. My husband also joined the gym and started going this week and that has been helpful for motivation. So with saying all of that ☺️ it’s good your mind is ready to change things up that’s were it starts. I look forward to seeing your gym clips if you record. And if you face obstacles it’s okay. Just get back on and start again. Have a blessed day.

  16. Debbie Sayers
    Debbie Sayers says:

    Hi yesenia enjoyed watching your video your food was nice and also your lovely cheesecake that you made I love cheesecake to and and the food shopping u did to and your hair looks good how u did them in twists and how u styked your hair

  17. Irene Cox
    Irene Cox says:

    Hey yesenia you a beautiful person inside and out what matter is you been happy with your self I too suffers from osteoarthritis it is very painful I wake up in pain I go to bed with pain the meds that the doctor have prescribed for me sometimes they work sometimes they don't I take two BC's when I'm in very very severe chronic pain and it does help or goody powder and that is the only thing that takes the edge off sometimes where I can actually move around and my limbs is kind of relieved a little bit but I would diagnose with arthritis when I was 30 years old and 3 years from the diagnosis I begin having so much pain in my limbs and my body my legs my feet sometimes sometimes my fingers and it feel like it's no relief the doctor have told me that if I walk more that I will feel better and the pain with Society and that is not true exercise and walking makes it worse my opinion so what I do is I do what I can and try to just get weight off by cutting back and reducing what I eat I also deal with my weight some weight being up and down so what I do is I brought a bowl from dollar tree and my family eat of plate but I eat out my bowl it not a huge bowl more like a cereal bowl but this is the way I reduce my portion of intake and if I'm still hungry after that I drink my water sometimes I get creative I put lemons in my water or I slice oranges in my water recently I bought a water infuser and I cut up apples strawberries and a poor put it in there with water and I drink on that when I'm hungry and I eat saltine crackers without the salt even with bread I try to limit my bread once a week if I decide to have a sandwich I eat a multi grain bread but you still can eat the same things as everybody else just limit your portion taking smaller amounts use your bowl and I promise you it will work I have been on this method by not measuring my food but trying to portion my food by eating less because when we have plates we seem to pile up the plate and put so much on the plate so I went to using a bowl and I only put in what the bowl holds once I eat that I am done I drink water throughout the night it keeps me pretty full and I have lost over 130 lb I feel better I look better my skin is even looking better but you do what you feel like you have to do don't try to do anything to please anyone else do what you can do if you lose the weight that's great if you don't it's okay so have a good day if you want to try the bowl try it if not continue to do what you're doing I'm pretty sure it will work out just great

  18. Deborah Bennett
    Deborah Bennett says:

    Yey Yesenia, love all your vlogs when I can catch them, this one especially, please let me state "you're a beautiful woman, inside and out 😄", first time I saw you and hear you speak, such a classic woman, weight or not, it all starts w "intellect ",this you have…God is your CREATURE 👍, he makes no mistakes, excellent Wife, Mother, Friend, Girl live your Best live…. Lv ya holla! 😆….

  19. Kasandra Butcher
    Kasandra Butcher says:

    I am a Walmart lover cause I love the other departments besides groceries. I love Aldi too love the section with all the non groceries. I do not do self check out I refuse. I need my groceries on a discount if I'm going check myself out. Lol. Glad your feeling better. Your hair is so beautiful. Blessings

  20. R Adams
    R Adams says:

    Hey Yesenia

    I do like self check out especially at Walmart because if you use the App and scan a product And it’s cheaper than what it rings up on the register for they have to give it to you for the price on the app. If I was in the regular check out I probably wouldn’t catch all the price differences plus I don’t want to hold up the line since it’s already only2 cashiers anyway 😂


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