WEEKLY MEAL PREP | Chicken Taco Casserole, Baked Oatmeal, Cheesecake Parfaits | WW Points + Calories

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WEEKLY MEAL PREP | Chicken Taco Casserole, Baked Oatmeal, Cheesecake Parfaits | WW Points + Calories | Journey to …

15 replies
  1. Melissa Spencer
    Melissa Spencer says:

    I was looking for sugar free jello puddings at the store yesterday and my store was all sold out! Everyone is using it for their ninja creamis and their greek yogurt puddings so it's hard to find. Do you know if they sell sugar free lemon pudding?

  2. Ginger Lily
    Ginger Lily says:

    Cold brew has gone up that much here, too. I refuse to buy it. I still love my Toddy Cold Brew system out of all the ones I've tried. It brews at room temp so no need to fit in the fridge. I've tried so many cold brew systems and honestly, none of them blow my dress up like pre-made. 😆

  3. Lisa Harris
    Lisa Harris says:

    Great video, give an update on those muffins on how they tasted with the extra egg whites. Did everything turn out OK? Also, if you have a Panera bread anywhere near you, you can join what is called the sip club and you get any drink every two hours, every day. And it’s $11.99 before tax every month. I go there usually twice a day and grab my husband, a large black iced coffee with no ice and each large will make him two iced coffee’s at home. So I haven’t bought coffee in eight months. And it’s only after tax about $13 a month. My Panera is right next to me so I’m not going out of my way.

  4. mollytigger
    mollytigger says:

    Was that six points for the casserole or the casserole and chips and dip? That really looks so good and I can't wait to make it. Does it matter what type of non fat greek yogurt to use. I usually buy Fage.

  5. Rett L.
    Rett L. says:

    I’m so glad you are enjoying the Fiesta Ranch! I never even thought to mix it INTO the ground chicken…duh? I can’t wait to try that recipe. Thanks so much for taking us along. Oh & those parfaits look yummy too.

  6. JayLC
    JayLC says:

    I am with ya on prices going up. I have mastered my hot coffee at home but can't seem to get my cold brew the way I like it (especially with a nice thick cold foam). With the HOT weather here in North Texas, it is vital I figure it out before the 100* temps settle in. I just can't justify the cost of a Starbuck's anymore…even as an occasional treat!!


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