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Live Chat and Q&A Congratulations to Kat and Jaye for winning the Carnivore Crisp Flour! Anyone who wants to order some, my …

25 replies
  1. Gunnell
    Gunnell says:

    According to what you say about 'why' – I do agree! I started Keto/IF nearly five yrs ago (at age 63) and I have never before had such a success with weight loss and also with maintaining weight. My focus was not really weight loss, it was health and when I listen to you now I understand that it was what made me do this successfully. I lost 40+ lbs in about 6 months and have been maintaining it so far except from a couple of pounds up recently. I'm also very healthy these days and that's the most important for me – of course I don't want to gain weight as I see that as an unhealthy effect, so health and weight go together which means I want to eat healthy food. And finding your channel with all the great recipes and ideas is really what I needed. I know keto and IF by now, but I feel as if a more 'carnivorish' diet will be great for me and your channel suits me – some carnivore channels are 'too much' sort of to suit me.
    So thanks a lot for all that you do! 💖

  2. Gunnell
    Gunnell says:

    My oldest son also turns 40 on 19 sept! Saw someone in the live that wrote about her son of the exact same age 🥳- happy birthday to him! We live in Sweden.
    Very good live that I watch on replay as usually. Very good questions all in all 💕

  3. Sandra McDonnell
    Sandra McDonnell says:

    I watched ‘Ole Carnivore Guy’ make a 5 egg omelette with 1tin Sardines. Thought it was about time I tried……and just stop looking distastefully at my 8 pk tins from Amazon. He only added salt, and it was actually quite tasty. Only ate half. But dunno if I will eat other half though. 😅

  4. Kopper's Carnivore Kitchen
    Kopper's Carnivore Kitchen says:

    Great Live tonight and some great questions as well. What an amazing community this is where everyone is truly here to support each other and there are no 'competition/ego' issues. Just amazing to see other great influencers in for the live tonight as well!!😀


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