Weekly Food Prep | Easy Sourdough Bread and Bagels, IP Dairy-Free Yogurt, and Chickpeas

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This week I wanted to share with you what I typically prep at the beginning of each week. Sourdough, yogurt, chickpeas and fruit …

15 replies
  1. Julie Jasinski
    Julie Jasinski says:

    Loved the video!

    Question? How did you get the starter at 1st to make the 1st batch of yogurt, since you add it to the mixture?
    Also how long is the yogurt usually good for?

    Definitely need to get a KitchenAid with dough hook. Just doing it by hand is definitely harder!

  2. Strawberry Crazycake
    Strawberry Crazycake says:

    I like these videos, I'm still not at the point of prepping things for the week (I honestly have no idea where to start 🤯) but I do enjoy watching these types of videos to give me motivation to one day try it out.

  3. Marcella Reese
    Marcella Reese says:

    I love your videos like this. I am inspired always, but am very limited on time due to working full time plus some hours… I hope to try your sourdough bread/bagels recipes. i need to incorporate more beans and lentils into our diet. I need ideas and I am not familiar with cooking them and using them so thank you.

  4. Lauren Layne
    Lauren Layne says:

    Its nice to know im not the only person with tummy issues and I do hope you know grateful i am for your videos, you simplify things so well. Plus your knowledge is wonderful so keep sharing. I watched one of your earlier bread vidoes which after I did my own research and found same conclusion sourdough is the best. And haven't looked back. Love the way you did this video, 10 thumps up


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