Weekend Meal Prep for People Who Hate Cooking But Want to Eat Really Well with Brigitte Gemme

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25 replies
  1. @plantbasedbriefing
    @plantbasedbriefing says:

    I love using my slow cooker on a weekday – I feel so accomplished dumping everything in and enjoying the aromas all day long! And I love that Brigitte usually has a slow cooker recipe in each week of her meal plans.

  2. @katievdbshsh757
    @katievdbshsh757 says:

    I know what your saying about pantry moths– I had them, they came out of the instant pkgs of oat meal- but did get into everything. What a mess to clean up the kitchen cupboards!!.Im enjoying your cooking lesson. Thanks to you both from grandma Katie in Oregon

  3. @gaBetibu
    @gaBetibu says:

    ….oooh…just when you think all vegan chefs are pretty much similar, we find an extra new & fresh view…just love her tips on learning to eyeball teaspoonfuls vs tablespoonfuls…also of great nutritional value is her tip to add red lentils to so many vegan favs … she's great…God Bless You Both So Much for all the good you bring to our world…. 🥰🥰🥰

  4. @antheaphillips5679
    @antheaphillips5679 says:

    Thanks for this! I was not familiar with Brigitte Gemme but I am now! I agree – an apron is a uniform that sets the mood. I always put one on to cook & clean! And yes, I too am so thankful to never again handle raw chicken 🤢

  5. @SheriAnne0711
    @SheriAnne0711 says:

    I really like your idea of adding red lentils to quinoa. I am going to try that. Your soup sounds easy and delicious. I will put all of that in the IP and hit the soup button. Thank you Brigitte and Chef Aj.💕

  6. @denimartin8698
    @denimartin8698 says:

    Enjoyed your presentation Brigitte! Thank you. You mentioned traveling to Japan. How easy was it to eat WFPB in Japan? I am planning to travel there in 2025. Just curious.

  7. @lisaleis4934
    @lisaleis4934 says:

    Brigitte is a pleasure to listen to. She has a new way of looking at how to make changes and lots of great tips!

    I also love fresh food and love her ideas for have to have fresh food ahead of time.

    Thanks for sharing ❤

  8. @vhs10907
    @vhs10907 says:

    Canada is part of America as are Mexico, Central America, and South America. Chef AJ, you live in the US which is part of America, not the only America.

  9. @bettymaugeri7316
    @bettymaugeri7316 says:

    I keep it simple too, I make a few basic items ie potatoes, rice, grains and like you a pot of soup that will be one of my meals every daily until it’s gone. I cook just for me. Great video!

  10. @peter5.056
    @peter5.056 says:

    I gotta have my big pot of lentils and onions in the fridge. All I need to do is cook some white rice or cubed potatoes, and that's lunch and dinner! Fruit is in season rn, so I favor that over veg. And for the veg, ​​frozen is perfect! Just pop broccoli or in the electric kettle and consider it done;) Our summers are so hot, I hate cooking everyday because it heats my house and drives up my electric bill. So, what I'm getting at – I keep it as simple as possible if I don't want to cook for some reason.


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