Week 51 Keto Transformation │Weight Loss Frustration

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Breville Convection and Smart Oven Air Fryer: https://amzn.to/2uXdDcu Week 51 Keto Transformation Update Made it through a weekend without eating out and …

32 replies
  1. C2yourself
    C2yourself says:

    Stop weights! Stay out of the gym and take a 30-40 minute walk outside every other day for a week. You're building muscle and the scale doesn't know the difference. I'm 63 and haven't weighed myself once but my pants afte lose and dragging on the ground. My belly, upper hips are 3+ inches smaller, I can cross my legs now! Change your routine and give your body a break

  2. S K
    S K says:

    I love your honesty. It's great to know that sometimes, the number just doesn't move down. I get discouraged with that too but just like you, I'm gonna keep going!!!! So proud of you you've done soooooooo amazingly well!

  3. Pamela Jones
    Pamela Jones says:

    Jess, you look marvelous! Do you check your inches, maybe you’re decreasing in that way. Great pep talk about the scale, effort, and following the course. You are truly an inspiration! Oh, I was impressed by your somersault. Way to go!!!

  4. Rhonda Murphy
    Rhonda Murphy says:

    I so feel your frustration! I’ve been stuck at the same place on the scale for a few weeks, too. But I can see such a difference in my clothes. And others have started commenting on how much I’ve lost, AND I feel so good as far as not getting so “hangry” all the time. So I know what I’m doing is working for me. But that darn scale … Keep on keeping on, you are looking fabulous. And what a good thing for your kids to see, your determination to be active and healthy and take care of yourself. Go you!

  5. sheila Abayateye
    sheila Abayateye says:

    Keto loss is weird how the numbers dont shift. From my experience lost 25 pounds. Cms loss is fab. Lost 17cms off my natural waist 28cms through the tummy button. I can see my feet and put my own socks on now. I get more excited about getting the tape measure out. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement to keep going xx

  6. Shaina Reynolds
    Shaina Reynolds says:

    Preach that plateau! Dr. Boz says when you’re on track and nothing is moving on the scale, could be your body is healing your metabolism on some level that needs fixed before it can allow more fat to be burned. I’ve been on major plateau for months and I’m so insulin resistant I figured out after watching Dr. Boz that I need to fast longer than 18/6 or omad. So I went to 40-44 hr fast and eating 1300-1500 cal in my eating window and my ketones finally went over 2, then over 3! And I broke my plateau and finally got another 5 lbs off. Did that for 2 weeks to get there, and then went back to omad but ketones dropped again and stuck at the new weight. SUCKS! But now I gotta woman up and do some more 40-44 hr fasts (still have 25 lb to go, down about 60from the beginning of my total journey). But I learned that when I’m ready to maintain, OMAD works for me.

  7. Bonnie Le
    Bonnie Le says:

    Jess, it sure does sound like your body chose to take off the inches this week with all your hard work, but, I'm sure when the lbs drop you are going to see a nice number! I also wonder if you'd share what it was you were making in your new toy. I saw the first item looked like peppers.. the second though.. looks soooo good, what was that, and the 3rd.. some type of mock french fries? It all looked very good! 🙂

  8. jan smith
    jan smith says:

    Jess, watch the free documentaries 1) Super Juice me (on you tube 2) Sick, fat & nearly dead (on their site Sick, fat & nearly dead)…change up your diet. This will give you the push your body needs right now to lose more weight, then you can go back to keto after you feel you are ready that your body has readjusted. Just because your channel is “Keto Rewind” does not mean you are stuck just doing keto. Show more diet means to reach their/your goals on your channel.

    Also, look up “Jason vale juice you tube” and “ Jay Kordich juicing you tube”.

    YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC…love that you keep it real. This is real life what you are showing all of us.

    Everyone watch those two documentaries I posted…they are both powerful & also free. ps best way to do this juicing is to move your keto diet to OMAD then transition to juicing. You can buy a cheap juicer at walmart for $30 that gets the job done (I bought the Hamilton Standard one & have been using it for years). Prep your veggies for the week & Put them in tupperware (makes life easier/make juices daily but, you can make them ahead a day or so but better daily). Stick with veggies only no fruit (to much sugar) you can use green apples (lower in sugar then red).

  9. florence glisson
    florence glisson says:

    You have inspired me to try to change my lifestyle of eating and exercise. My 1st goal is to get everything out of the house that isn't Keto friendly. Thanks for all your advice. Flo / from Leesburg, Florida

  10. Nate Cannons
    Nate Cannons says:

    You are a testament to what a strong will and desire can accomplish. I've been following you for a while now and I gotta say.. You've always been beautiful but, WOW. You're hot! I'm ecstatic for you and you should be so proud of yourself. I'll be looking forward to watching you reach your goals while I'm on the journey to reach mine 😁

  11. Beatriz Ceniceros
    Beatriz Ceniceros says:

    You are an awesome woman! Yes you are doing everything you should be doing and you show us you are human like any. Of us struggling to get the weight off. Keep up the good work, because you inspire those of us who watch you. You have become a beautiful butterfly not just because you lost weight but you have showed us the struggles you went through and that takes a strong person to keep going. You inspire me all the time. God Bless you!

  12. Chuck Johnson
    Chuck Johnson says:

    Keep going it is well worth it!! Like others have said "measure", it is a better indicator than a scale! You are 100 pounds down and that is worth it even if you never lose another pound you are much healthier. I also have a heart problem and have to watch cardio workouts. I do ride a stationary bike because it is less stressful on your heart. As someone else said use your phone to watch videos or TV shows, it makes riding a stationary bike much easier and the time flys by. Good luck and God Bless!


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