Week 1| No Grocery Shopping for 2 Months!| #threeriverschallenge

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We are doing the #threeriverschallenge for the months of January and February https://youtu.be/xfaK0yRgKbo mozzarella …

13 replies
  1. Kemp Freehold
    Kemp Freehold says:

    When you made the mashed potatoes, did you drain and rinse them? I've even gone so far as the roast them a minute or two before making mashed potatoes out of the canned ones
    Also, I'm so happy to see that my kids aren't the only ones who interrupt videos 🤣

  2. T Self
    T Self says:

    I noticed on Day 2 when you said the children would be snacking on the muffins, 3 were already missing lol ! This challenge has me hooked, so I've decided to have a go at a "low spend" January…only buying the things I absolutely cannot manage without… I am not a homesteader and don't have home canned produce, but I do have a well stocked pantry…. result at the end of week one…. total spend £17 (about $23 I think). That's a huge reduction on my normal weekly spend. On to Week 2… Thanks for the inspiration!!


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