We Learned The Hard Way! Mistakes Made While Visiting Florida's Newest State Park

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We are not perfect, we run out of toilet paper, we feed our dog table scraps and the list goes on. We share these moments with you …

26 replies
  1. @cathegallimore
    @cathegallimore says:

    I so wish I would have thought to do this when my girls were younger. I think a lot of bad things that happened to my oldest daughter possibly wouldn't have happened. I never thought of living full-time in an RV until the last couple of years. Now, I can't wait to retire and get an RV and get on the road. Thank you for all of your informative videos. I know more of what we will need when we start.

  2. @MrAlbarry51
    @MrAlbarry51 says:

    Great episode! We all make mistakes and camping is no exception. Florida has some great camping and the app. you shared looks like it can help campers find a campsite. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. @rvfamilylife
    @rvfamilylife says:

    What a fun adventure. I'm thankful y'all are still making some adventure videos. I know they don't do as well as How To Videos, or Top 10 product videos, but these are more enjoyable to watch. How do you like that smaller lid on the Blackstone? Do you ever close that down over something that is cooking? I've got the bigger lid, but it's such a space waster.

  4. @OhHellMichelle
    @OhHellMichelle says:

    You are so blessed to have & Do exactly what I wished I could do as a single mom with my babies. Due to my life changing for the worst over night I sit here watching & Envying this video that came across my feed 🤷‍♀️ ♥️ But as of now you have another subscriber 😃 Thanks for sharing what my dreams would look like! Now time to binge watch 😃 ✌️ ♥️

  5. @Melissa-mz3qu
    @Melissa-mz3qu says:

    Crazy – me and the hubby are watching your video. We had literally just said camping isn't the same without the 2 grand babies going. They are all grown up now. Believe it or not they camped with us until one was 21 and the other was 23. Like you said – after it's over its just the memories. So be sure to eat up every second with them ❤

  6. @robynidyllwild6755
    @robynidyllwild6755 says:

    Great video!! Hey my dog gets scraps every once in a while. It’s a treat just like I have chocolate 🍫 and wine 🍷. 😊 Loved the music as you were walking Alaska in the early morning. Alaska and I are kindred spirits when it comes to Bacon. 🥓 don’t ever deny him Bacon 😂 I think I need a couple of paddle boards? In a Class B though millimeters matter lol 😆. Adventure On!❤

  7. @907RVing
    @907RVing says:

    As you reflect on your kids growing up and the memories you all will make together. Just remember that once they grow up and have kids then that adventure begins for more memories. With 3 kids that are adults now. Plus 2 grandkids life is never dull. 😊


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