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We need to re think our plan…. HELLO HAPPY PEOPLES! Welcome to SomersInAlaska! Check out our Alaskan Apparel: …

48 replies
  1. Keziah Yates
    Keziah Yates says:

    Hey all. Great vid as always. We have never thrown out "freezer burnt" things – just defrost or cook as usual. Also did you plug the new freezer in before putting the new stuff in? Do you have solar store in Alaska. More pricey but means you can store the solar energy you create in the summer to use in the winter.

  2. Louise Franks Art
    Louise Franks Art says:

    Can't say we're having a problem with long lead times over here in UK, except for things that normally take a ridiculous amount of time, like when you order a couch and it takes like 6 months. Love seeing the snow and ice melt 🙂

  3. Oma G
    Oma G says:

    I needed more Refrigerator space for my extras like milk, juice. fruits, and fresh vegetables. It also gave me more freezer space from my other refrigerator with allowed me to only go on e a week to the grocery store.

  4. Andy D
    Andy D says:

    Hi SomersInAlaska. i saw another video of yours where you use a chemical spray for cleaning your fireplace glass Try using the ashes from the fireplaceon a papertowel and tadaa. no need to buy chem agents ever again.

  5. Grey Wolf Walking
    Grey Wolf Walking says:

    Perhaps,Jessica, you were thinking of the " fiber- optic lamps and gear," that came out in the 80's n 90's..?? Lamps, transmitt cables, etc…??Now…" hair decorations" n more!!??

  6. Curly Locks Novak
    Curly Locks Novak says:

    I caution you with that freezer. I bought the same one and it stopped working after 4 days. The company was terrible to work with. Turns out the fan was freezing up…there was not enough insulation. It took them months to come up with a fix. This was a year ago. Hopefully they have added that additional protection to the one you have. If you hear a rattling…call them right away.

  7. dave miller
    dave miller says:

    I've watched several of your YouTube videos. I've really enjoyed them. Thank you! I no longer live in Fairbanks; been in juneau for 30 years now. Don't miss the interior but sometimes get homesick. I do get to visit my parents who live on Chena hot springs road and that gives me the fix I need. Again, thank you guys for your videos.

  8. LavenderRose _
    LavenderRose _ says:

    Enjoy watching your channel. I hope you got the extended warranty on your new freezer. We bought the same one in 2020 and didn't get the extended warranty. It just failed catastrophically. Warranty expired. Needs to be totally rebuilt and may still fail if there's a pinhole leak in the body. We decided not to put any more money into it. Beware of Frigidair…. Apparently they discontinued the particular model we had purchased because they realized it was a dud. Hopefully yours is the improved version!! Maybe hang on to the chest freezer….

  9. Dani Long
    Dani Long says:

    Not to ruin the moment but you shouldn’t put your dogs name on their tag. It makes it easier for thieves if they know the dogs name and call it and the dog comes to them. You should put your last name and a phone number.

  10. J S-Stark
    J S-Stark says:

    The difference in freezer size was incredible. Also pretty cool to see that her dentist went to school in my hometown. Thsnks for sharing that little nugget, it's always fun to make a connection from so far away!

  11. Kimberly Shalaby
    Kimberly Shalaby says:

    Your melting! 40° probably feels like a heatwave. So good to see everyone! Costner's new name tag is cute. He's a good eater having gone through 50lb bag already. Didn't seem like you had him long enough to eat that much. He's so little. I hope everyone has a nice week. Oh, yeah, do you put a box of Baking Soda in your Freezer Chest?

  12. Lauren Washington
    Lauren Washington says:

    I live in Arizona I would die to Visit Alaska it's always been a Dream of Mine if Y'all ever want a Roommate for A Week or so That would make My life lol Get me out of The Arizona heat 😃

  13. Debra Wronker
    Debra Wronker says:

    .. we have an all-electric home with lid up in the northern California High Sierra mountains my husband disconnected our our Heat and we changed our wood fireplace to what pellet stove. We buy our pellets in the summer it's a big money saver. We buy two racks of pellets

  14. azerty495
    azerty495 says:

    In Belgium everything that is not in stock can be ordered, with a promise that it will be delivered within a few days. No matter what you order, weeks, months later nothing has been delivered.

  15. kdonor
    kdonor says:

    I had an upright freezer die after 16 months and the repair guy said he'd never own an upright freezer. So we replaced with a chest freezer and when the other upright dies we'll get a chest freezer if anything. The uprights break a lot quicker and have more parts that can break. Ours was a brand new Frigidaire that died at 16 months and they didn't have parts to fix it.


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