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THIS IS A BIG DEAL! And we may not even realize just HOW BIG of a deal it is yet….. Also, I didn’t mean Orson Wells I had just …

38 replies
  1. Deanna Dove
    Deanna Dove says:

    First point, this has NOTHING to do with live stock. Back in 20/20 the news of Veterinary antibiotics being safe, effective and much cheaper for use in Humans, made the media circuits. Everyone (especially preppers) surely remembers this being very widely discussed. A bunch of people ran out and stocked up on these antibiotics. Well, this put a pinch on doctor visits and worse yet, the big Pharmacy profits. Well, we all know that when big pharma doesn't like something, it gets government attention. This is why we will be paying much, much more for these drugs now. It's all about big Pharma and doctors missing out on putting "the screws" to Americans.

  2. Judy Shoemaker
    Judy Shoemaker says:

    It is not about farmers. They know what they are doing. It is to keep antibiotics from people. I have been to several other countries and you can buy most of these drugs over the counter. It is all about control and charging us more money. You can even go to Mexico and buy a lot of these drugs. It has nothing to do with cows.

  3. ms. pirate
    ms. pirate says:

    Wait wait wait! What if someone has riding horses or just pet horses, one of them gets sick, can a veterinarian legally prescribe antibiotics for you're pet horse? I herd its illegal to give antibiotics to pet chickens and ducks, because of what you said. But are they making it illegal for farm animals like horses?

  4. Carmen Moldoveanu
    Carmen Moldoveanu says:

    They want your ID when you go to the doctor. If you are not jabbed, your phone will play red: " ding- ding! You are not supposed to take the pill for your lovely pet.. He has to die if you are not a good citizen!'' Yes, Sir!

  5. foxslayer2612 rasche
    foxslayer2612 rasche says:

    Must interfere with the MNRA injections that they are going to use on the animals Plus this is just another expense on the farmers its another plandemic to get the farmers to hang up there hats. Its all big tech farms

  6. Jess Brown
    Jess Brown says:

    More overreach is NEVER a good thing. They can try to disguise this as well intended, and claim it'll reduce the issues we see with parasite resistance, but even then, it's laughable. To say to their major demographic "sorry, it's just that we don't trust you farmer people to know what you're doing, even though you've probably been doing it your whole life." Not only is that highly insulting, but it's coming very close to "we're from the gov't and we're here to help."

    With a lot of livestock vets, they'll do a farm call, and come to you. HOWEVER, my experience with them has been horrible. There's only 1 vet for my area that will come to me, and this lady is terrifyingly misinformed, to the point that if I had followed her written instructor how to treat my sheep, none of them would've survived. On a separate visit, she kept insisting my sheep were goats, and aside from that being wildly wrong and confusing, goats require almost double the dosage as sheep, in many things, so once again I couldn't rely on her written instructions. So many of us lack the veterinary degree, but have a wealth of knowledge through life experience, and we should NOT have to go through anyone else, to get what we know we need, when we need it. The wait times will be so significantly longer, all traveling vets will be so bogged down. This is going to massively throttle any availability and drastically raise prices!

  7. J St Anders
    J St Anders says:

    It certainly Is a hell of a rabbit hole once you start looking into this, very much connected. Same characters involved too. I feel like I want to stop working this year and escape the matrix instead of worked and stressed to death.. If I can. I'm mid 50's and so fed up of the path we're headed on.

  8. BF
    BF says:

    This is BS!!!! They don’t want people to have access to meds that can also be used on humans. Slowly they are taking all control of food meds and anything to sustain ourselves as shortages continue to be on the rise.

  9. Deborah Campbell
    Deborah Campbell says:

    Hi my flx here! Ty for making me feel normal finally someone else who speaks squirrel YES! Love it!
    & I agree with you about Gov forcing us to eat plant based foods Americans are the big experiment for everything nowadays.

  10. JAK
    JAK says:

    I'm from England and you talk at the English pace! I live in Wisconsin and they talk much more slowly. Also you are a very proficient reader which is clear in the way that you speak. I love your videos they are very informative thanks.

  11. Rebecca Foraker
    Rebecca Foraker says:

    Everything they are doing is to crush the small farms, small businesses etc. They dont have the manpower to control all the little things, so they're just trying to eliminate. I like that you're covering this stuff in your videos now!

  12. KCARPS Pops
    KCARPS Pops says:

    We Need Real Meat I went without eating meats & mostly Vegetables & sweets Felt week at times we Need something that is in those thing in all we eat We need to Eat in Moderation.
    Too much antibiotics bcan be bad
    The way they grow things can be bad
    I have & Others We have Noticed that there have been More & More Food Seasonal & other Allergies & People Children & Adults are getting sick More Than When we Were little in the 1980s 70s 60s 50s Ect


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