Want a Computer in Your Brain? Watch this first.

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Newest Subscriber ⭐️ Allison Brown ⭐️ *** This is the most dangerous tech in the world, but it could save your life. In August …

38 replies
  1. Blue Water
    Blue Water says:

    Remember the 1950's prediction about the future?
    If you have an implant that reads electric brain impulses doesn't mean that you can make it do what you want
    Sure, it's cool to imagine but one is monitoring and the other is control

  2. J. Paguirigan
    J. Paguirigan says:

    Scary and escapist… 😒 That's obviously how people lazy and not contented in life. Not just they are afraid to die (or natural death) early they are also wanted to live long. This people now a days trying to be perfect in any ways even sacrificing their own body just to have a perfect body. This is how "SCARY" people are.

    💁‍♀️ Let's see what will happen with you in the future. 👀😏 I'm not be shocked if one day you'll REGRET choosing that (I'm mean those people wanted to try this crazy gadget)

  3. Mock mick mike LOL
    Mock mick mike LOL says:

    I’m not getting that unless I need it because I HATE SURGEY it’s SUCKS I got one on my nose and I hated it so the skull NAH I’ll just take my normal brain unless I can heal my DANG SHIN because it just doesn’t heal it’s been what Seems to be cracked FOR LIKE 2 YEARS


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