Walmart Grocery Haul & Meal Plan For my Family of 6

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Good evening you guys and welcome back to another grocery haul. This week I’m sharing with you one large and 3 small …

49 replies
  1. Hannah Kayee
    Hannah Kayee says:

    Make sure you see a GI specialist. I ended up in the hospital for a week, with gallstones, a blood clot in my kidney, have a stent in my gallbladder, and my kidney levels were 10x higher then normal, inflamed pancreas, and a stone next to my pancreas. They were able to get the one stone out., but blood clot has to go away before I can get my gallbladder fully taken out. My problems started with them saying it was acid reflux.. I was close to death. Finally spoke up for myself and got sent to Mayo Hospital in Rochester MN.

  2. Cabin Life Wife
    Cabin Life Wife says:

    To all the mamas in this community and around the world- you are loved and appreciated. Happy Mother’s Day 💕I’m a fur mommy so no matter how you mom, I think you’re doing a great job!

    Getting my grocery haul shopped, filmed, and posted today! Thanks for some great meal ideas 🙂

  3. sharon gramke
    sharon gramke says:

    Happy Mother's Day to all moms. I especially want to wish a Happy Mom's day to all our Mom's in heaven and the children whose Moms are there, including my mom who has been residing in heaven for the last 11 years.

  4. kristan G
    kristan G says:

    Heads up not sure if you know but as someone who suffers from many ailments, pickle juice helps that gasoline acid that sometimes wakes you up choking

  5. kristan G
    kristan G says:

    Happy Mother's Day 💐🌺💐🌺💐 to all the beautiful souls out there and above. Doing the best we all can is all we can do and such a positive step forward. I love watching your channel, thank you for sharing your life and my favorite grocery hauls.

  6. Angela Campana
    Angela Campana says:

    I’m wishing all the “mothers”, including grands, gods, steps, fur’s and dad’s, who are both, a very happy, healthy & blessed Mother’s Day!!💜💐
    May you all have a wonderful and blessed day enjoying what you’d like and being celebrated for all your loving ways, I wish you all peace and love🙏♥️💐 I sadly never had the pleasure of being a “mother”, my soulmate/fiancé died 2 months b4 our wedding day and all my hopes and dreams died when he passed away suddenly, it’ll be 30yrs August 29th🥹 At the same time my mom was enduring serious health issues and my attention was directed towards caring for her, which I did for 9yrs till she passed, along with working full time in a demanding job. I’m a godmother to 3 of my nieces/nephews however I’m not celebrated or acknowledged for it, it saddens me but it is what it is, they weren’t taught to acknowledge me as such bc I’m their aunt as well, I assume bc both my brothers were also divorced when their kids were very young and left to be single parents, I suppose it’s us woman who make sure such things are instilled in kids, IDK🤷🏻‍♀️ I was once a mother to fur-babies, they were my only children and I loved/adored them greatly 🐾🐾🐾🌈😇 Now I’m at that the age of being a “grandmother” and it’s just as hard/sad for me to accept I’ll never be that either, I missed out on so much in my life due to circumstances out of my control, I always say that I must’ve been an awful horrible person in a passed life and I’m paying for it in this one🥹 I cherish all those who are/were blessed to be a mother, I feel it’s such an honor/privilege, that love and bond for life must be like heaven and I hope/pray it’s cherished by all who are mom’s🙏 Thank you Kiera for being such a sweet soul, you’re an amazing momma, homemaker, wife and friend, enjoy your special day doing whatever makes you happy. I love you so much & I apologize if I seemed like a downer, it wasn’t my intent but in hopes that those who might read this will appreciate what they have and cherish it as long as they can♥️💐💫✨👼🏻✨💫💐♥️

  7. Robin Jones
    Robin Jones says:

    I want to wish happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there including the single mothers and fathers that are stepping up to the plate I’m not acting as a single mother
    God bless all the mothers

  8. Crystal Gentry
    Crystal Gentry says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and a special happy Mother’s Day to you thank you so much for including pet moms I have a little dog myself and I can’t have children and he’s like my baby so I’m very grateful for you mentioning that also wanted to say it’s too bad that you don’t live where I live because here in Georgia the Walmart that I go to they have all the ice cream and they have the eclairs I just did a grocery pick up order myself and I almost bought some but I didn’t also I wish I could find the coconut creamer coffee creamer hope you have an amazing day and I hope to hear from you

  9. Iva Calhoun
    Iva Calhoun says:

    I want to wish all the mom's a very Happy Mother's Day! Raising children is the hardest job there is because they do not come with a manual. As a parent of 4 grown children, we faced a lot of challenges, but we tried our best to make the right decisions as parents we have to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we make.

  10. Monique Tibble
    Monique Tibble says:

    I want to wish all the wonderful mothers/ and mother like figures a very happy Mother’s Day. I hope your Mother’s Day will be just as amazing as mine will be.

    I’m just spending the day with my big little kiddos and grilling, maybe even doing some gardening.
    Again I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day 💐

  11. Patricia Grimes
    Patricia Grimes says:

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's, grandma's, aunts, godmother's, dads who play both roles, and anyone else I am forgetting!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! And a Happy Mother's Day to you Kiera!!! I need to stalk my grocery stores and find those ice creams!! They look delicious!!!


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