WALKING TACO CASSEROLE | Easy Mexican Flavor Filled Dinner Recipe

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WALKING TACO CASSEROLE | Easy Mexican Flavor Filled Dinner Recipe Today’s Recipe: https://catherinesplates.com/walking-taco-casserole/ How To Make …

42 replies
  1. Louise Tyson
    Louise Tyson says:

    Yummy…..your son is so sweet to be helping! Always love to see them learn cooking! You KNOW he won't starve when he gets on his own! They can learn it all
    from GREAT moms like you!
    Have a Blessed Day! Happy Labor Day!

  2. Ken Tyler
    Ken Tyler says:

    Hey just wanted to let you know that I appreciate how you set up your recipes for printing. No ads or photo that I don’t need. Saves me time and money not having to print things I have no use for. And when you can fit the data on 1 sheet it is another plus. Looking foreword to some walking tacos.
    Thank you

  3. Robin Woods
    Robin Woods says:

    I made this for dinner tonight. Oh my goodness Catherine. This is a 5 star recipe. And you're right, the Frito's actually stayed crispy. And I love your T-shirts, especially the old 60's/70's bands!

  4. Vickie Patterson
    Vickie Patterson says:

    I don't know how I missed your notification about this video, because I would have had this yesterday! There you go again, getting cheesy. 😋
    Yeah we've had the meal in a bag before but if it was in a bag of Fritos we called it Frito pie. Just pile on chili and cheese and whatever else you could fit in the bag, then they would stick a plastic spoon in it and you went on your way. 😁 But I don't think anyone ever factored in the hot chili placed in the bag then carrying it in your bare hand. 😳 I think I really prefer having this as a casserole and sitting down at the table with a real plate and a real fork. 😜
    I love how you make your taco seasoning in big batches so it's always ready to go! ❣️
    Thanks for sharing another great recipe! 🥰


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