Vlogmas Cherish What Matters

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December 21st the first day of Winter. It turned out to be a day to regroup & relax. Spend the day with me. Please subscribe.

5 replies
  1. Rhonda v
    Rhonda v says:

    Such a great video! I know I've told you before, but I just love how you edit your videos! several years ago I bought a crock pot that came with a "mini" crock. I have never used it! I even tried giving it to my sister and she didn't want it. It sits on top of my microwave. Well after watching you make that dip, hey I have a mini crock pot I love cheese dip! So will finally use it after I buy some cream cheese! 😀 thanks.

  2. Lisa M.
    Lisa M. says:

    I love my mini crockpot for dips. Our alarm goes off at 4:15am M-F. By the time I finish supper, hand washing all the dishes and cleaning the kitchen I'm ready for bed..lol! I can barely stay up past 9pm. Can't wait for the Kinser Christmas Broadcast❤🙏🎄💚🎶


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