Vlog • Productivity Peaks and Valleys

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Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice long weekend and got a chance to connect (vitually) with your family and friends! I’ve been feeling a lot of ups and downs …

11 replies
  1. Marianne M
    Marianne M says:

    For the puzzles I’m also a do the frame first and for the masks I totally agree! It’s been interesting to see North America’s response to covid 19. At times it’s frustrating. Stay safe and healthy!

  2. Dream Studios
    Dream Studios says:

    We just wear the standard masks like people are given if they were sick and going to the doctor’s office. Still gotta walk my dog. How do you keep yourself from eating all the things? That’s my biggest challenge while at home all day. Everything else is okay. You look well 🙂

  3. PinkSquidInk
    PinkSquidInk says:

    We tried the homemade masks as well and found them very thick and difficult to breathe in as well. I ended up ordering a few sewn masks instead. My son is immune compromised and it makes me feel better to have masks for hospital visits even though I know it's more for the protection of other than him. I figure something is better than nothing and right now the medical grade masks are impossible to find and I would feel guilty taking them from healthcare workers. Stay safe!


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