Viral TikTok Keto Recipes | Big Mac Smash Taco | 2 Ingredient Fudge

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Today’s video includes 2 easy recipes that you may have missed out on. Hopefully this will give you ideas for new foods to add to …

26 replies
  1. A B
    A B says:

    I don’t know if it’s just me, but nothing loads when I click the link of the fudge recipe. Could you tell me the carbs/calories per serving?

  2. Chef Fat Grams
    Chef Fat Grams says:

    I love chocolate, bake believe is the cheapest and to me the most tasty chocolate available. Their melting Wafers are amazing!!! Walmart grocery centers are where you can find the melting wafers

  3. GrannyGrumbles
    GrannyGrumbles says:

    I love this! I've already made a batch of the fudge! I used Lily's Chocolate Chips because that's what I had already. I added a dash of salt, some cinnamon (maybe almost 1/2 tsp), and about 1/8 tsp cayenne. I didn't measure precise amounts, sorry! It tastes like Mexican chocolate! Yum!

  4. michelle morris
    michelle morris says:

    This was/is a great series, great tips and recipes! Don’t usually do much social media at most times, so I know I miss out on a lot and this will help. Thanks a lot😊


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