Villagers Try Texas BBQ Brisket For First Time ! Tribal People Try Texas BBQ Brisket

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Villagers Try Texas BBQ Brisket For First Time ! Tribal People Try Texas BBQ Brisket We Need Support …

37 replies
  1. Aleatha Carr
    Aleatha Carr says:

    Get an oil drum and show Gudu plans for making a smoker out of it. That's how we do it in Texas, slow cook it all day over hickory wood. Dry rub, tangy glaze and suace. They could definitely learn how from someone who knows what they're doing.

  2. Neil Ludlam
    Neil Ludlam says:

    I understand some meats do not keep well in hot countries lacking refrigeration so religion/cultures shun them for safety reasons but dishes made with beef,pork or shellfish are sadly misrepresented by substituting a meat with distinctly different flavor. Lamb/mutton is great barbecued.

  3. Christa Free
    Christa Free says:

    Can't call it a Texas style brisket with anything other than beef 😁 People in Texas take their brisket seriously lol. It's all good though.

    Goat cooked in a Texas style brisket manner is perfectly fine, however. I like goat too.

  4. D. Brent Redwine
    D. Brent Redwine says:

    Brisket is always beef, whether adult 4.64kg to 7.25kg cuts or the smaller young veal 1.35kg to 1.8kg. Although a pig's pectoral muscle can be cooked as a pork brisket it's uncommon.
    Beef briskets taste different from other animals and goat is still smaller with a completely different flavor and consistency. Just as sheep, lamb, buffalo, bison, venison, camel, or horse would taste different as well.
    This is not at all similar to Texas brisket in any way, so just correctly call it goat chest meat instead. There's no way it tastes similar (except perhaps to a vegan who never eats meat).

  5. laluna cee
    laluna cee says:

    I love all these guys and the channel.
    You helping me heal , more than I can explain here.

    Mixed race but adopted in England, i been separated from my Eastern roots passed down from my father. That's hindered my spirit .

    This may be why I was a little taken aback at Badshah, being mocked using cutlery and trying to be English. What!!
    It's often commented on how I don't use cutlery, am I an animal? Is what I'm asked when not using a knife a fork!

    If i am not an animal for eating with my hands, Badshah is not trying to be English for embracing what's put in front of him!

    We should all be open to trying everyone's culture and practises.

    I'm not trying to be Indian or Iranian when I embrace both your cultures. Or simply enjoy food with my hands.

    Im just open to others' way of eating and curious about how that feels.

    So I think it was a little unfair to tell Badshah that he's trying to be English when cutlery is placed in front of him, and he tries to use

    Help us embrace each other , i love how Badshah is so open to embracing the English culture. I'm enjoying being opened to yours, 💚

  6. Paula Pope
    Paula Pope says:

    Brisket is a particular cut of meat from the cow and it is covered in spices and cooked at a low temperature for many hours so that it falls apart. We, here in Texas, would not prepare a goat brisket in this way. We might take a quarter of a goat and prepare it this way, but never just the brisket, but we typically wouldn't eat goat…mostly beef, pork, and chicken. It appears that you have simply raosted a piece of goat meat and cooked BBQ sauce over it. That preparation has no association to Texas cooking at all, I'm afraid. Maybe a visiting Texas tourist can come by and explain how to do it one day. It is definitely worth the time and effort.

    The great thing about slow-cooking meat in this fashion is that you can take a very poor cut of meat and it will still come out very tender and all of the meat will be usable. It's a great way to salvage meat that is normally not eaten or only boiled.

  7. Do33uK
    Do33uK says:

    the meat is not cooked at all correctly, it should not be cut at all, it should be so cooked that the fibers should separate easily, the meat should be hot!

  8. Phil Barrows
    Phil Barrows says:

    Looks nice, unfortunately the only similarity between a piece of goat that has to be sawed through and a Texas brisket is they are both meat. Just the same, I'm glad they enjoyed it.

  9. monicapdx
    monicapdx says:

    I don't care what meat, it looks good. 😄 Many of the dishes we think of as ethnic in America were cobbled together by immigrants making substitutions for things that couldn't be found in the US. Spaghetti and meatballs, for instance. There's an Italian chef with a channel who nearly weeps over what Americans have done to that. And how we eat it; sauce glopped on top, instead of the pasta being evenly tossed in it. Or lasagna not being made with bechamel sauce. Well, red-sauced lasagna is the American dish now. I think another country trying to make a dish from another's cuisine is a compliment. Even with substitutions.

  10. Phil
    Phil says:

    Pandering to American viewers eating habits as opposed to trying out different World cuisines. Slowly but surely with similar eating trends given to Gul & Mr. Chaudry in Dubai (constant burgers & chicken wings), its slowly becoming a turn – off channel.

  11. Trombone Kathy J.
    Trombone Kathy J. says:

    बार बी क्यू सॉस बनाना आसान है। नुस्खा आधा कप केचप के लिए कहता है

    2 बड़े चम्मच ब्राउन शुगर

    2 बड़े चम्मच वोस्टरशायर सॉस

    1 बड़ा चम्मच साइडर सिरका

    1 छोटा चम्मच लहसुन पाउडर

    ¼ छोटा चम्मच सरसों का पाउडर

    ¼ छोटा चम्मच नमक

    1 डैश गर्म काली मिर्च की चटनी

  12. Lee Davis
    Lee Davis says:

    This is Not Texas style BBQ Brisket !
    First of all Brisket is a specific cut of BEEF from the pectoral muscle. Next it is SMOKED usually for 13 hours over a fire of either mestique or cherry wood.
    Prior to this, you season it with a dry rub of seasonings. Please stop misrepresenting other culture's dishes.

  13. zapman2000
    zapman2000 says:

    this is NOT at all Texas BBQ brisket stop changing meats to meet there religious needs and calling it as if its original seems like this channel is turning into a click bait channel.

  14. The Crazy Hobo
    The Crazy Hobo says:

    Brisket ONLY comes from beef. You can't just use another animal and call it "brisket". If you can't get the ingredient in your country, then move to a different food that will be easier to recreate instead of trying to pass something off as something else, especially when they are in no way the same. Not only is it misleading for them, but it can also be disrespectful to the people in those countries whose foods you're trying to recreate.

  15. Twila Carson
    Twila Carson says:

    Why not try to be an englishman? And, how about eating like the rest of the world? Only backwards countries eat with hands and getting dirty. Use the tools if you have them. Nobody says you have to learn english language but to be clean?!!!!!!!! Always strive to be clean. Your mother teaches you this. Gods teaches you this. Now they have sticky hands like little children. This isn't Texas brisket and just like others that know better than me…(in Texas). Get them the real thing and then….they will love it.


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