Video Podcast #85 – Spa Treatment, Being Happy, Everything is Poison

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Think of this video as an audio podcast (lots of me talking) with some video (mostly of me talking). I’ll be discussing keto related topics that are in the news, …

35 replies
  1. Karol Legg
    Karol Legg says:

    Steve, I appreciate your videos. You do not ramble on. You do a WONDERFUL job of explaining.
    Your videos are not long and boring. You're awesome at what you do! I've used a lot of your recipes. Matter of fact I just made your chocolate covered nut clusters with ChocZero chocolate peppermint syrup! Oh my…for a person that loves peppermint…ya'll have to try it!
    Thank you Steve…you keep keepin on my friend! 👍🙂

  2. fmlbeauty
    fmlbeauty says:

    It is credited to Paracelsus who expressed the classic toxicology maxim "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison."

  3. Christopher Wigginton
    Christopher Wigginton says:

    for me the keto label takes over when a low carb diet goes low enough in carbs that ketosis occurs. Considering that the dietary guidelines of a 2000 calorie diet is about a 44 to 65% carb, anything below 900 calories from carbs a day and your moving t o a low carb diet. That could just be a calorie restricted diet too.

    I’m keeping carbs below 20g net carb and maintain the proper fat/protein ratio

  4. mpsmith47304
    mpsmith47304 says:

    Thanks for this. I am constantly saying that the only thing that defines a keto diet is if you are in ketosis. There are other things that people may want to consider in their diets (like junk oils, or time-restricted eating), but if you are in ketosis, you are eating keto. That's it.

  5. Azreale
    Azreale says:

    I liked this podcast of yours with the segment of when your happy with yourself. Cuz I’ve been known with my family like I’m a keto nazi 😂. But it’s becuz I care about them and that doctors have led us the wrong paths of health. I mean, your informative with recipes & lifestyle changes for the better. I’m totally happy I’ve gotten better but would like to help others who are unfortunate. Why keep beating yourself up with chronic diseases if we can advise a tad bit right? So I’ll be more reflective, like you said and not go keto crazy. “Live & let live”, -Paul McCaurtney. It’s about time I enjoy the fruits of my labor….. 🤘☺️

  6. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    Wow! Closed minded individuals, not to mention rather shallow to unsubscribe due to dyeing hair, regardless if true or not. What good things they miss out on in life due to their judgemental ways. I color my hair, still the same person under my new hair color, maybe a little more confident, feeling better about my appearance. I didn't realize it made me terrible person unworthy of listening to! That's how ridiculous that viewer sounds. Buh-bye to them Steve, I feel bad for them they are missing out, probably in life in general.

  7. Lana Phelps Good News Keto Grandma
    Lana Phelps Good News Keto Grandma says:

    You're hilarious when you want to be!! 😜
    Your trip must've been awesome because you look well rested and you're actually glowing! Your skin is so smooth…you should get facials more often (self actuated unless Terri wants to help you out! 😉)
    Live and let live! But, watch out for those Sicilians!! 😂

  8. Boon Doggle
    Boon Doggle says:

    Sometimes people mean well but they assume that they know what’s best for the entirety of the universe based on what they enjoy and they think that it's their place to tell everyone what to do. They think that know what brings everyone satisfaction based on the lens through which they process things, and they aren't even aware that there's a particular lens through which they process things. They oftentimes think it's a universality. I think a lot of this can be chalked up to immaturity.

  9. Jeffrey S
    Jeffrey S says:

    Love the metaphor of the garage! It's so sad in western culture that we tend to pigeonhole everything and want "cookie cutter" society (one size fits all). In eastern culture, differences are celebrated. Let's face it…if everyone were the same, like would be awfully boring.
    We are all free to our opinions and choices in life as long as those opinions and choices don't squash or hurt others.
    As with diet, what works for you or me doesn't necessarily work for someone else. Humans are complicated beings and it is up to each of us to find our own path in life.
    Finally, (and this comes from my degree in philosophy) "happiness" is a construct that humans have created. Happiness is fleeting…being at peace with ourselves is something that can last a lifetime. Sorry for the sort of off-topic 《g》

  10. DiMo
    DiMo says:

    I definitely have a ‘you do you’ attitude. I really appreciate the YouTube channels which seem to have that attitude too. I watch them not because I want to police the universe (who has the time anyway!), but because I really like to get ideas from what other people are doing and trying. Some of those ideas may find their way into my own journey. Some of them may stick around, some may not.

  11. Michelle Baker
    Michelle Baker says:

    Aaarrrgh! The Keto Police 🙄
    You’re so right, hurt people hurt people. There are things that you admit that you enjoy from time to time, so I tried too. Nope! My body revolts big time against “clean” keto treats. Your fault? Do I blame you? Absolutely not. You didn’t force me to try those things. Am I keto? Most would say no as I prioritize protein, consume only enough fat to be satiated (and I have a limit to maximum consumption) and very low carb. Why? Because that’s what works for me. YOU are the one that got me to this headspace. I am physically and mentally healthy because you taught me to be. Thank you!!


  12. Cynthia Symons
    Cynthia Symons says:

    As to your hair: I think that is rude and vulgar to make unkind remarks about someone’s appearance. People should keep quiet unless they have something nice to say. Your personal appearance is your personal business.

  13. Michelle H
    Michelle H says:

    I totally appreciate the “dose is the poison.” I have FODMAP intolerance… it’s really complicated, I use an app to tell me what’s safe to eat if I’m not sure. Onions are poison. Garlic is poison. Blueberries…. I gotta be careful… I can have a handful, but no gorging as I’m picking them off the bushes. lol. A lot of things are like that. I can have just enough to get my fix and enjoy the taste, but then I have to stop or I’ll be sick. When I was first learning how to be low FODMAP, it was hard. I made it through by reminding myself this stuff is poison. That’s how I avoid anything I shouldn’t be eating, even if it’s not a FODMAP issue. It makes it a lot easier to turn down free food in the break room if you imagine that it is a poison bait trap set by aliens to eradicate humans from the planet.


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