Video Podcast #142 – Keto Snacks vs Fast Food, Food Prices, Lowered Health Standards

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Think of this video as an audio podcast (lots of me talking) with some video (mostly of me talking). I’ll be discussing keto related …

38 replies
  1. Celia Waddell
    Celia Waddell says:

    IMO, acceptance of people is really important. They are doing as well as they can. OTOH, the food industries and the advice doctor’s are giving is not helping people be more healthy. I went to an old theater and many folks were wider than the seats.

  2. Lorraine J
    Lorraine J says:

    Steve I couldn’t agree with you more. You are spot on with lowering our standards it is real concerning as to where do we draw the line. Keep up the good work love watching your videos

  3. Nellie Needs Meat
    Nellie Needs Meat says:

    Back when I was doing cakes someone did a whole blog post about my cake recipe and said it didn't turn out. They specifically said I used enough sugar to choke a cat (fair point) so they cut the amount in half. I left a comment pointing out that if they left something out, they weren't following the recipe and it wasn't my fault. I saw that kind of thing a lot 🤣

    My dad was also the neighborhood fat guy, I never knew him to be a healthy weight. I believe if he had the information we have now he could have turned things around.

  4. Jamie Woytasik
    Jamie Woytasik says:

    A 12.5 min mile for the military? That is ridiculous. I can even hit that and I don't run. My cardiovascular health is improving but not good. I've I tried, I probably could get down to under a 10 min mile and I'm 5'8" and about 230 lbs.

  5. Ed Raz
    Ed Raz says:

    Steve, I definately look at food and set a price point for most things. Kind of crazy that way. It almost makes me sick to go shopping now.

  6. Oe M
    Oe M says:

    Hi Steve. Would you consider a video on keto and low carb granolas? I’ve discovered two brands I really like: Wildway and Moms Nutz. I would love to see your choices and insights.

  7. methanial73
    methanial73 says:

    I'm glad you put the text in there, because the way you said it I got the impression that it was 12.5 minutes for two miles. That would be a good time. I think some nuance in the conversation would be good. Someone who's extremely smart may be able to do all kinds of things a more athletic person couldn't. We get trapped into these stereotypical ways of thinking about a particular profession and I would say serving in the military is a profession. Not everyone needs or requires them to be a good athlete to perform certain jobs. So, I would say that if they're going to the front lines or could encounter some hand to hand the requirements must be higher. Now, as far as the obesity and fat pride thing goes it's also nuanced. You can be overweight and still be healthy. Then again you can also be unhealthy, just as being skinny doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy. The problem lies in not treating people like they're people. We have that talking down to people to an art and have for a long time. People are being mean and talking destructively to others with the intent to harm. Treat others with respect and also I find nothing wrong with overweight people being proud, after all there's lots of skinny people who don't do anything special to feel proud. Should we shame people who are skinny because they are genetically gifted? Will some people be a bit over the top in their self confidence? Sure, but that's usually better than the opposite. Now, I know you aren't one to do shaming or be abusive. There are people that are though and they will do anything to justify their abusive language and really don't care about how anyone feels. What I will say is we need to build strong people mentally and that's the most important thing. That's easier said than done. I'm lucky all my children are hard working and strong mentally people. Took a lot of work on my part too. I've learned a lot about nutrition and how it's so a$$ backwards in our society. Hopefully things will shift and we'll have better nutrition. Then, at that point people will be healthier for their own body type and unhealthy overweight people will be rare. Not holding my breath on that though. Good video/podcast Steve and these subjects might stir up some interesting conversation.

  8. Lene Maria Kowalczyk
    Lene Maria Kowalczyk says:

    Last week we had a couple of bbq dinners, where I made and used your recipe for bbq rub and glaze on skinless boneless chicken thighs, and it turned out amazing🤩🥳 SO yummy! Those recipes are definite keepers!❤️ So thank you for everything you share😃

  9. Carol Cote
    Carol Cote says:

    I agree with our tolerance level of people and their excessive weight. We have come to see them as part of our overweight population. I know that between the continual misinformation regarding "what you should eat", cheap fast food, family members that are probably the same size as you, and are not keen to change, it's tough. But, people need to take control ol of their health. So, they need to watch and read about why they are overweight. What I say is, we are all born the same 6 – 9+ lbs? So, why are we getting so fat now. To end this, the latest "medical" publication stated "they are now regarding obesity as a disease? Really! Where were the diseased people in the 50s,60s,70s. After trying so many eating plans, losing, regaining the weight, it is hard. But, after research, watching YouTube that laid it all out, it made sense. I've been keto, lost 40 lbs and have kept it off. So, I was not diseased, was I? (I do feel bad for some of the overweight people). It is only going to get much worse. Those overweight people are now feeding/setting their children on a serious overweight life. Like begets like.

  10. Greg Ekrem
    Greg Ekrem says:

    Hey Steve – great podcast today! This one really resonated with me, especially the normalizing of being fat to an unhealthy extent in America, but how did we transition from fat shaming to thin shaming? I was a big dude about four years ago at ~250-260 pounds. I'm 6'3" so I carried it well but as I said I was a big dude. By maintaining a keto/low carb lifestyle I'm now and have been for three years 165 pounds. I live in the thinnest state in the union – Colorado (2023 US News) but I cannot tell you how many times I am told, "You're too skinny", "You're not eating enough", "You should put on a few pounds", "You don't look healthy", etc. Well, guess what, likely these people are way too fat but I can't say "You're too fat", "You should eat less", or "You should lose a few pounds". Guess what, my BMI is NORMAL and if you believe BMI numbers I could still be thinner. However to your John Belushi example, now that literally everyone in America is overweight, I am the outlier, I look different and I look too thin. I actually read an article that said if you transported Colorado back in time to 1950 with the current BMI numbers (lowest in the USA) we would be the most obese state in the USA (in 1950)! Man how things have changed. Anyway, for all of you who see a "skinny" person out there just STFU with your thin shaming because it's likely that you are the one with the weight issue! On another note, I too don't eat fast food anymore but I inevitably find myself at work or social events that use Chipotle (or similar) fast food places to cater the event. Lean into the bowls! Even Five Guys will make you a bowl and I bet Taco Bell does too.

  11. WhiteFlower
    WhiteFlower says:

    Hi Steve! When my family gets the urge for KFC, I make your brined chicken wings and the KFC coleslaw – does the trick every time! DEE-lish!!
    You are an inspiration to me, and since going Keto in February, I have lost 35 pounds – and still learning proper portion control. Onwards and upwards!

  12. LadyA Said
    LadyA Said says:

    Steve: what would "not so accepting look like to YOU??"
    Some humans enjoy being overweight, yes. Some humans enjoy being anorexic, yes. What is the difference?? What is the "proper" response to these humans?? What would you like us as a mass group to do??
    Personally, I feel this was one of those topics you should have kept to yourself. ♡♡

  13. MadPick
    MadPick says:

    Great episode, Steve. I'd love to see some content on mass meal prep, and I think you are spot-on about how our society is too accepting of obesity. I was there myself until recently, and I'm grateful for the wake-up call that keto and the resulting weight loss has given me.

  14. GreenEyes
    GreenEyes says:

    We’ve enjoyed all of your recipes that we’ve made. The 60 Second salad dressing works well for me because I can add blue cheese and not kill my husband who literally stops breathing if he gets a small speck of it. He likes his homemade Italian. Label me a conspiracy theorist, but I think the fattening of America is a definite plot by the big food companies and the pharmaceutical companies. People getting fat? Tons of weight loss meds. When those don’t work, then they get insulin. God help this country if we ever have to fight a land war.

  15. Lori M.
    Lori M. says:

    I've been using your BBQ rub (sans cayenne – as BBQ is usually a bit milder/sweeter on the east coast) for quite some time. I've lost track how many times I've made it so its definitely a staple. I intentionally purchase and maintain a stock of golden granulated sweetener for little other reason but to make rubs. If I'm making a batch I intend to use in a shaker, I replace the brown sweetener with more golden so its less clumpy – just not always doing a literal "rub".

  16. Denese Dugay
    Denese Dugay says:

    Funny you should mention Taco Bell. My husband wanted to stop there once and I got nachos with ground beef (pre-keto). That was the first and last time I ate at Taco Bell. I thought it tasted like dog food.

  17. DeAnne Falise
    DeAnne Falise says:

    I've tried quite a few of your recipes and they all turned out delicious. I loved the Vietnamese scallion sauce! Like you, I am leery of tasting too much fish sauce so I only used a teaspoon.

    One of the things I always see that frustrates me (and I'm not even the author) is a one star rating for anything. But you read it and they rave about how wonderful it is. I can't believe the stupidity out there. I guess they think they're saying "it's number one!" I don't know.

  18. Richard Bast
    Richard Bast says:

    There was a business that came in down the road for a bit. They had fresh greens, meats and so forth available to make your own meals with. People were there to help and one could go in for a price and make a week or two weeks of meals without having to go buy and prep ingredients. But mail order food subscriptions started and they went out of business.

  19. Steven
    Steven says:

    As always, a great video Steve! I kid you not, when I saw the John Belushi poster, I thought; Man, he really looks good in that picture! And when you mentioned he was the "heavy" person on snl, I remembered it so vividly! I used to love watching snl back in the 70's when they were actually funny, and not an arm of the anti-American prolefeed media. Who can forget John Belushi in Animal House, or 1941, or the The Blues Brothers! DAM! He was funny! But back to the point. yes Belushi was the quote-unquote fat person on snl, but by today's standards he is fit as a fiddle and ready for combat in America's elite military! It's a sad commentary on our nation. But just last week I heard where some gov organization wanted to scrap the body BMI index because, "it's racist." 35 years ago my lovely bride and I lived in Taiwan amongst the wonderful Chinese people there. When we came back to America after a year, I was amazed at how BIG American people were. Today, when I look around at my fellow Americans I see a lot of sick and unhealthy people. Part of it, (IMO) is the toxic, GMO, Standard American Diet, the SAD diet. Garbage in, garbage out. I loved your taco bell story! When a person eats that stuff, all fast foods: GMO, Toxic, SAD Crap, your body tells you it's crap, but after eating for a lifetime, we've forgotten what it feels like to be healthy, and we continue eating garbage because it's convenient. We all know food is expensive, especially nutritious food. But as my DC has said many times, "The quests for nutritional excellence has never been easy." And, "How much is your health worth?" As far as Serious Keto recipes, I've harvested a veritable "Ton" of radishes from my garden, I'm hoping to make some SK radish puffs! YUM! Oh, and by the way, I love my vacuum sealer! It saves a lot of food that my wife would otherwise allow to sit in the freezer for 2 years, get freezer-burned and just be tossed in the garbage anyway.

  20. ChalkItUp
    ChalkItUp says:

    I used to "blame" people for being overweight, thinking they were lazy or just ate whatever they wanted. After trying so hard for so many years to lose weight I don't think that anymore. Nutrition information is confusing and exercise only accounts for a small portion of weight loss. Genetics play a huge roll and the food industry has gotten us addicted to junk food on purpose. Losing weight is HARD. I'm close to my goal weight now, but I worry about maintaining the loss everyday. And I immerse myself with health content on Youtube constantly. My heart hurts for people who are obese. I now look at them like I would someone who has a serious illness. It can be exhausting to constantly feel bad about the space you take up on the planet.

  21. Lessons & Love Loraine Gutierrez
    Lessons & Love Loraine Gutierrez says:

    Steve,? The. Price of food is not gonna go down until we have the crash.Everything's gonna be real valuated and it's? Gonna? Go back to relatively stable or normal price. Range? . But for now the dollar has to become useless and as everyone can see. We're so close. Number 2, when I am out on keto. I had a grocery store. Many better grocery stores have big chicken and they're in their cooler or in their hot deli area. These are great. Options when you're in a pinch and. There's a store here in Reno called Raleigh's and they have the best baked chicken.A much better choice by my way of thinking that anything that comes from a fast food restaurant.I love your stuff glad to see you're still on YouTube after my departure for 3 years. You. And your family are fabulous! Thank you thank you!

  22. heritageofhastur
    heritageofhastur says:

    About 20 years ago, my office mate's son (and son-in-law) went into the military. They both had to go to essentially Pre-Boot camp to lose enough weight and increase their fitness levels to the point where they could go to Boot Camp. It was amazing – neither of them were obese, but definitely overweight and out of shape. And it has just continued. But look at the local schools – where physical education isn't really pushed as a course any longer or where recess isn't the norm any longer….

  23. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    Considering the major egg producers saw a surge of 718% in their profits, highly doubt they have much of an incentive to lower costs. Prices rise immediately, lower in a year or two, maybe. Greedy crooks.

  24. teddi bear
    teddi bear says:

    Shit, we're supposed to accept everything nowadays. From super fat to litter boxes in schools to drag queen story hour. These are the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

  25. Kristen Reed
    Kristen Reed says:

    Absolutely we are to accepting. I'm an ultrasound technologist and when I first started in 1995, they said we would rarely see a fatty liver. Now it is the norm and it's very rare too find a normal liver. We are not a healthy nation. Sad that people are given a false sense of health


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