Vibrant Vegan Family: A Day Of Healthy Meals, Tidy Spaces, & Cozy Nesting!

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27 replies
  1. @pembie7859
    @pembie7859 says:

    I love Costco but the Costco in Canada lack a lot in the vegan department.
    I would love to see how you guys keep it simple with meal planning and prep and not get overhelmed by all the info out there. Are you just naturally gifted at creating recipes or have foods you stick to every week.
    I really love the flow you have with the big breakfast and dinner.
    Do you have suggestions on how I can come back to whole foods plant based diet for healing skin issues- even though everyone tells me I need to go low carb and animal products. This has greatly affected my life. I was plant based for a few years and always thrive on this lifestyle…

  2. @doradezso1727
    @doradezso1727 says:

    Such a great video,you're all glowing, so great to see😊 thank you so much Erin&Dusty❤
    Just a quick question? Do you worried about soy inhibiting iron-absorption? I love tofu but I'm worried to eat it regularly because of low iron levels.

  3. @juliakeithweis
    @juliakeithweis says:

    Even though I am from Florida but living in South Dakota. This season has really felt like cleaning out and getting ready for spring and summer. It’s been -21 but is going to warm up to 30. So greatful for good friends, wood stove fire and for you guys to inspire! Spring is almost here! It’s just around the corner. Blessings on your family and your pregnancy! 💗

  4. @lynnwalker
    @lynnwalker says:

    Costco hauls are my favorite!! Would love to see your take on it. I feel like here in California they have a great selection of organic foods and produce. Erin, I love your green sweatshirt, it looks so comfy and that's my favorite color to wear. Do you remember where you got it? Thank you 😊 Happy New Year!

  5. @shaylanrubendavila6940
    @shaylanrubendavila6940 says:

    You should check out azure standard for your bulk basics! Amazing organic bulk foods. You can order online once a month and there is usually a drop location close to wherever you live. They have everything from bulk grains, beans, fruits, veggies, fresh produce and toxin free cleaning essentials!

  6. @ta1424
    @ta1424 says:

    @eatmoverest- If I could go back to my younger years and do anything different it would be all the things you are doing in your life, home and family. I love and see the benefits of a WFPB lifestyle, living intentionally, reducing the toxins in mine and my family’s life as well as adopting a more simple, minimalistic lifestyle. One thing I have noticed about you both is that you have the things in your life that you want. They aren’t necessarily cheap things either but what I take from that is that if you really like or find value in something then it is worth investing in. I love that mindset! Oh, and Erin, your baby bump looks cuter every time I see you! I hope you are feeling well and enjoying this pregnancy!


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