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This vegan vegetable barley soup is a crowd pleaser! It is hearty, nutrient dense, delicious, and it makes a large batch. Loaded …

18 replies
  1. INFJparadoX
    INFJparadoX says:

    Looks super yummy and I love making a pot of soup or beans to eat during the week. I'm also going to add spinach and use cilantro instead of the parsley : ) btw, you are gorgeous! Thanks so much!

  2. R L
    R L says:

    I like the way the soup tastes, but the mushrooms come out rubbery. I am a novice cook so looked up how to avoid that…Most recipes instruct you cook mushrooms dry, If you wash them make sure you spread them out on a paper towel for an hour or so to dry.This supposedly prevents the mushrooms from becoming rubbery…Any reason you didn't include this tip? Or am I doing something else wrong? Thank you

  3. Jesus Garcia
    Jesus Garcia says:

    Nutrients from vegetables can be remove by over cooking them! Barley takes at least 1 hour, always something to remember. For example I always add my zucchini at the end of cooking, never in the beginning. Peace and God bless.

  4. Cdn
    Cdn says:

    I made this today for my family and they really liked it. Today was crisp autumn weather, so perfect soup day. I added a couple of things, and I slow cooked on stove for whole afternoon. Got nice and hearty and thick.


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