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Learn how to make my vegan zuppa Toscana recipe EASY! Dairy free, plant based, and absolutely delicious. LAY HO MA!! This recipe is a staple dish at the …

24 replies
  1. Sharon McVeigh
    Sharon McVeigh says:

    Hi Wil, I made this Zuppa Toscana. It was absolutely delicious. One of the best soups Iโ€™ve tasted. Even my non-vegan sister loved it. I bought your first book and will buy your new one. Excited to receive it and give a few recipes a try. Love your show and creations. Keep it up. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. katia
    katia says:

    I'm tuscany and don't recognise this soup, Sorry…but thank you for this recipe from my Land! Are you come in tuscany? If your answer is Yes, where do you come? Sorry for my english

  3. Tammy
    Tammy says:

    This was one of my favorite soups before I went fully plant based 8years ago. You just brought this back to life for me! Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  4. Matt Wootton
    Matt Wootton says:

    Hey Wil, i wonder if you can tell me how many potatoes you used exactly please? In Britain we don't really use cups as a measurement so i'm having trouble conceptualising how many sorta medium-sized ones i'd need ๐Ÿ™‚ love the channel btw, can't wait for my cookbook to arrive!

  5. Shirley Edun
    Shirley Edun says:

    Finding your channel is the best thing to ever happen to me in 2020! This looks great and will definitely try it. Can I use tofu as an alternative to the plant based sausage?

  6. Cindy Kunkel
    Cindy Kunkel says:

    This soup is AMAZING! Made enough for dinner, lunch and a container for the freezer for another day. I cut up the links before adding to pot and added the garlic with it to prevent the garlic from burning. Thanks for another great recipe.

  7. Manuel Hernandez
    Manuel Hernandez says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has always been my favorite soup. I have missed it so much. I just finished making it and am on my first bowl. It's so good! You made it so easy.


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