Vegan What I Eat In A Day + Asian Market Haul in Colorado Springs

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3 replies
  1. Jones LeFae
    Jones LeFae says:

    Hello friends! I'm back with another video! It's been quite a while since I posted videos regularly and I am really excited to get back into it! I started to talk a little bit about why I haven't been posting but I cut a lot out because the video was getting long. Basically, this time last year I was unemployed and depressed, and although I was still posting, I was struggling. Then, when I finally started working, I didn't have time for making videos! Now that I have a steady job with regular hours, I am motivated to post videos again and I am trying to work with the time that I have. I really appreciate all the support I have been getting! If you would like to help me get my channel going again, please subscribe if you haven't, comment below, and share with a friend! Also, let me know if there is a specific kind of content or recipe that you would like to see. Thank you so much!🙏

  2. Jenna Hartung
    Jenna Hartung says:

    I am drooling over that mushroom selection! I have never tried durian. A brand new Asian market has opened in the city (3hrs away) we are anxious to check it out. Otherwise our next nearest is about six hours away.


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