Vegan What I Eat! – CHEESE SAUCE & Potatoes

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35 replies
  1. Freya T
    Freya T says:

    Looks great 🙂 Do you have any cheese sauce that you like that is SOS free? Or Nutritional Yeast free? I typically use celery salt as the salt subsitute but I know that will be much different taste then miso.

  2. Karla Nelson
    Karla Nelson says:

    Seriously considering getting out of bed to make this entire meal. My stomach is growling hungrily.
    I've tried many cheese sauces but not this one! Excited….do I sleep or make cheese sauce?….hmmm

  3. Patrick Kneller
    Patrick Kneller says:

    Love your channel. Kind of new to the vegan life. Wanting to know if you could share more on the Micro greens. I know you can buy them but it looks as if you planted them? If you did could you share on how you did it ? It would be a great episode. I eat potato's and broccoli like you but I always used dressing but since I viewed this episode I will be making your cheese sauce tomorrow. Looks so good. Keep up the good work. Great channel.

  4. Caroline L
    Caroline L says:

    I literally paused this episode as you were making the cheese sauce, to make a cheese sauce for lunch!! (I didn’t have all the ingredients , just used what I had) Thank you Dillon for everything !

  5. R Yee
    R Yee says:

    So glad I found your channel – this is EXACTLY the way I would like to cook. If I could have just a few basics to throw together with some starches and veggies, I could really change the way I eat.

  6. Scan End
    Scan End says:

    You also want to look up how Braggs is made its toxic as hell and does contain salt. It's made through a chemical bath. It's not a health food, also Patricia Bragg is a fraud. As for soy sauce its loaded with salt.

  7. Scan End
    Scan End says:

    With regard to the 'low sodium' lady. What is considered low salt is low by the standard of the diet at large. If you eat enough plants you will get all the sodium you need. Especially if you're eating some raw celery. You are a potassium rich sodium poor being. That is what you function best on. Sodium should be in the blood not in the cells. People who eat salt get sodium in the cell and potassium in the blood. It's called mineral imbalance when they are the wrong way around. Unfortunately conventional medicine is very slow on this. And they really don't truly understand a rock shouldn't be in your body, which salt is, but only chelated minerals which the plants convert in their root system so they are usuable by the human body.


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