Vegan Steamed Buns (Baozi) recipe for $0.21 菜包

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2 replies
  1. Ujjwal Bansal
    Ujjwal Bansal says:

    Hi, A very intresting recipe. Thanks for sharing. I saw a lot of western Youtubers making these cooking videos. And there is one doubt that is always remain in my mind related to flour you guys are using in your recipes. I am from India. In my country food changes within area of Kms. So, I will talk only about my home town specifically. Here we use freshly milled wheat flour (it is yellowish-brownish in color) called atta and another version that is availble in market which is like Talcum powder(bright white in color) called Maida, which is used in make lot of snacks like Samosa, jalebi etc.

    From Internet difference b/w these two different kind of wheat flour
    Atta or wheat flour is a basic, milled flour made from whole wheat grains. It's a combination of the germ, endosperm and bran of wheat grains. Maida or refined flour is made from just the endosperm of whole wheat grains. As the name suggests, maida or all-purpose flour is highly refined.

    I saw on Internet, specially in Italy wheat flour is categorized on the basis of Protein content. But here we don't have such concept. So, my question is when you are talking about flour, can you specify which type of flour you are talking about on the basis of above description?

    And another request is, I saw lot of recipes consists use of Eggs. Like in cookies, breads etc. In some we can't replace then but if recepies like cookies I want to make my self can you tell me alternative to eggs. And can you descibe what is the science behind adding eggs in our recepies.


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