Vegan Since 1951! 32 Years Raw! A Natural Man of Many Skills; Mark Huberman

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37 replies
  1. Queen Ebony
    Queen Ebony says:

    Very impressive. To me this is what being a vegan means- working for the betterment of the world, being non judgmental-and confident within your own skin-his parents did a beautiful job. All the best to him🌸💥💥💥⭐️

  2. Suzanne Reeves
    Suzanne Reeves says:

    The entire interview was so enlightening. I especially loved the tour of the garden and seeing that beautiful dream of a refrigerator! What fantastic parents you had and so way ahead of their time with their knowledge of the right way to eat!

  3. Jeanette Kasper
    Jeanette Kasper says:

    Thank you for all this information that you had provided to all of us. Greatly appreciated! I'm in my late 60's and was on prescription pills for a few years and one day I just got tired of taking the drugs for the rest of my life and noticed that I need to make a change. I changed my eating habits and started to eat healthy, resting better, meditating, exercising and now all my problems have gone away and I'm not taking any pills but I'm still going to my cardiologist and getting my blood checked each year to see if all is good and of course all is GREAT!

  4. Jean Roy
    Jean Roy says:

    What a great speaker you are sir, you are so interesting on the subjet you know so well and you explain why and how to do it! I've been 100% plant base since only 3 weeks now and already I feel so much better, reduced my high blood pressure quite a bit. Thank-you, you are a thrue inspiration for myself and many people who will watch you great video.

  5. Ayuda a los animales ya
    Ayuda a los animales ya says:

    Hola, si puedes corregir los subtítulos y ponerlos bien en inglés, las palabras de los veganos de este canal pueden llegar a todo el mundo, con el traductor automático de youtube, los subtítulos automáticos que transcriben voz a texto son buenos, pero no perfectos.

  6. afikcja Internet Archive
    afikcja Internet Archive says:

    A very valuable interview showing veganism as a diet developed for 170 years within the vegetarian movement from England, France, Germany and the USA.
    Here we have just a representative of the old school of veganism. 
    These people must have been in hiding at one time, but now we get to know them and know that veganism is not a fad, but a prehistoric diet, like that of gorillas, etc.

    You could also collect numerous testimonies of long-time vegans from birth and make one thorough video about it.

  7. Carina Ekström
    Carina Ekström says:

    Wonderful, thank you! I'm always very interested in the life long vegans. So did he never take B12 until he was 60? No fortified foods. I know this should never be recommended, but I'm curious scientifically how some people seem to survive without it.

  8. G G
    G G says:

    What a rich and a productive life!! Very impactful interview!! Best wishes to Mr. Huberman!! And thank you to Vegan Linked for the service you are providing. You sure are changing lives for the better.

  9. kiwifeijoa
    kiwifeijoa says:

    This is a fascinating interview, he is clearly a lovely balanced person and a force for community values in the world, while also being a very intelligent being. Enjoyed the rich content, the array of subject matter and the man. This series continues to be amazing, and appreciate that I can see this from New Zealand. The fact it's on YouTube is great, hopefully it might become an offering on a streaming service like Netflix, Amazon etc. Your series seems likely to be regarded as an historic event in the future.


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