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FULL RECIPES: Here is what you’ll need! Vegan Shepherd’s Pie Servings: 5-6 INGREDIENTS Filling 1 tablespoon …

36 replies
  1. Danielle H
    Danielle H says:

    Ive actually made this before and it was so good the entire pan was gone under 8 hrs my non vegan dad and friends got into it before i did and i only had one plate

  2. wow
    wow says:

    Meat eaters complain that vegans whine too much and they are mad about a vegan video that doesn’t even affect them or basically anybody else.

    Can’t believe y’all are shook over a recipe video 😂

  3. Annie Tan
    Annie Tan says:

    Really great recipe if you feel like you want to get off eating meat for a while and you don’t want to eat salads. As a meat lover, this tastes amazing because there’s so much different veggies and flavours in it you don’t mind that there isn’t any meat inside of it. Usually, instead of veggie broth I use chicken:)

  4. Robert Sdar
    Robert Sdar says:

    Guys, don't ever make this dish, it's a trap. I just ate more than a half of it just by myself. And I still want more. This pie will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life. Be responsible, make the right choice. I can't be saved but you are still free.

  5. i mom
    i mom says:

    So yesterday was my first vegan day.. i still consider myself a meat eater because im a vegan beginner.. taking baby steps.. soo this was my first meal.. it was amazing, but there is something with it.. idk if thats normal to the taste.. ive never eaten this kind of stuff i am a mexican american and not use to eating alot of american foods, anyway this was delicious but quite spicy.. a different odd spice taste then the mexican hot stuff.. but delicious with bread.. yuumm.. anyway ill just minimize on the pepper and thyme..

  6. Echo Equani
    Echo Equani says:

    I would add cauliflower to the mashed potatoes so there would be even more vegetables in the shepherd's pie. I wonder what that would taste like if he used sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes? For people who are complaining because it's doesn't have meat in it, all you got to do, is do the same thing they did and add meat to it omg! I am not a vegan or a vegetarian but I do eat a lot of vegetables. By watching vegan videos it helps me be able to incorporate more vegetables into my diet and gives me more ideas what to do with them.

  7. Man With An Accent
    Man With An Accent says:

    This is utter nonsense. You can't call this Shepherd's Pie and not use Lamb. This is NOT Shepherd's Pie. I'm not saying Vegans can't have tasty food, this looks rather nice, but to call it Shepherd's Pie is totally ridiculous.
    What's next? Crispy Chicken with no chicken? BBQ Spare Ribs with No Ribs?

  8. rosemaries69
    rosemaries69 says:

    I made this pie last night and it was delicious. I would suggest to add 2 more carrots and some more mushrooms if you plan to do it. Also I am not a big fan of vegan butter and I substituted it for olive oil, and it was just great. Great recipe, you must give it a go!

  9. Danielle H
    Danielle H says:

    It's okay vegans meat eaters are just jealous and close-minded to the vegan world because all they know is saturated fats and processed Meats we're going to live longer we don't have cancer we don't have high blood pressure we don't have diabetes we don't have no diseases but yet we can eat what we want in the vegan world without being sick without having inflammation in our body they see how happy we are and they're mad but yet they're looking at the video which I don't understand LOL


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