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LAY HO MA everyone! THIS IS IT!!! When its cold outside and WINTER IS COMING, its time to make this incredible Vietnamese style vegan pho! I guarantee that …

36 replies
    MIE BLOCK says:

    Guys buy the ramen book. My girlfriend bought it not long ago and it is amazing! There aren't just ramen recipes but also sauces, condiments, small dishes, drinks, and desserts. All the recipes are done in a systematic way and its just, well its amazing 🙂

    On behalf of my girlfriend and I Wil, thank youuuuuu 🙂

  2. Sue Hnilicka
    Sue Hnilicka says:

    My daughter and I are cleansing right now. We are obsessed with quality food and have been watching numerous cooking shows. We don't eat soy, partly do to a soy allergy, so I have to adapt many of your recipes. We're used to that anyways being vegan, gluten, and soy free. I ordered your book this morning. Looking forward to enhancing our cooking experiences. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nia Watson
    Nia Watson says:

    I appreciate u Soo much and so does my family. My daughter suffer from chronic pain from various medical problems. With her colon bladder and endometriosis. I spent all I had trying to find out what she could eat and it was ramen. Which I love. Now that I'm broke there's hope. Thank you Mr. Yeung.

  4. kimbureh
    kimbureh says:

    ok I made this soup recently, and I am blown away. it is super delicious the way presented in this video and is versatile to use in other cooking as well. maybe it's just me, but it tastes even better when served at room temperature, I don't know how that is possible cuz I always thought cold soup was vile. but this is SO GOOD and having it with a bit of warm white rice is so much more delicious than you would expect lol

  5. Peter Hjemdahl
    Peter Hjemdahl says:

    Thank's for sharing your take on vegan Phở. As a former long time Hanoi resident, I am experimenting with vegetarian (not vegan, yet..) Phở since my girlfriend is now vegetarian. In my version, among other things I use Thai Basil ("cinnamon basil") instead of "western" basil, and fish sauce instead of salt. But for me, the most important ingredient is dried black cardamom! (amomum tsao-ko – not the Indian variant) I use that both in my own beef Pho and the vegetarian version. The reason is that black cardamom not only has A LOT of umami, but also has a smoky tone that, for me, mimics the taste and feel of eating an early morning Pho in a open air street stall in the old quarter of Hanoi. If you can get it, do try it in both Pho and Soba!

  6. kara dizon
    kara dizon says:

    You could also add couple of cinnamon sticks and cardamom (tip: roast the while onions over the stove as it brings out the sweetness and juice). It makes it more flavorful as that’s what I do when I make pho Ca. You could add cilantro and scallion to your pho soup upon eating.

  7. Desciple Of Jesus
    Desciple Of Jesus says:

    Just got done making and eating my first batch of the Pho recipe! I was able to get fresh basil and sprouts, even where I’m from this time of year, so I gave it a go. I must say it was really yummy (not bragging, good recipe) almost better than some I’ve ordered in a restaurant noted for their Pho! Fast prep just the simmer time. I am really excited to try other dishes you have on your channel. Got the ingredients at an Asian market here, so I’m all set up and ready to 👩‍🍳! Plz, keep making more and filming!
    Oh, where do I order the cook book from?

  8. Give Me Lemons
    Give Me Lemons says:

    Great channel! Love the lighting in your videos and thumbnails. So clean and crisp! May I ask which camera you use to shoot and if you're using studio or natural light? Asking as a beginner YouTuber.

  9. Paddy Whack
    Paddy Whack says:

    Vegetarian/mostly vegan: I haven't had pho since 1968-69 in the Mekong Delta because I stopped the beef/ eggs/ chicken/ fish when I got out of the Army. This pho recipe looks phenomenal and versatile. Question: what do YOU do with the vegetables that made the broth? Me, I'd be adding them to stir-fry, make soup, and if I baked, I'd be adding them to veg 'meat' loaf. ["Waste not, want not."]

  10. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    Looks delicious and love your channel, but I hope people don't just discard all the precious fiber and nutrients in those cooked veggies? My income is way too scarce, I would just include them in a another recipe instead of tossing them, even if I just added in some cooked grains/legumes and baked it into croquettes, a loaf, or veggie patties.


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