Vegan Myths and Fairy Tales with Peter Rogers, M.D.

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16 replies
  1. Osnat Shaibe
    Osnat Shaibe says:

    Can’t agree more – starches and fruits – what a wonderful way to eat, live and be happy ❤.
    It took me a long time to find out, with many big mistakes on that road, like the ketogenic and carnivorous diet…..yucks

  2. Fruit Kid
    Fruit Kid says:

    Love Peter Roger's and agree with almost everything he says, however humans are frugivores based on sharing 98% of our dna with fruit eaters and the fact we cant eat starch unless we have fire and utensils.

    Fruit has the same profile as starches but easier for the body to digest.

    Fruit also contains biophoton from the process of photosynthesis, which according to fritz Albert pop have benefits to human health.

    If China can be fueled on a diet of 90% rice, or Okinawans fueled on a diet of 80% sweet potato – Why wouldn't a community eating 80% of their calories from fruit not produce similar if not better health outcomes due to the decrease work load for the same amount of calories.

  3. -central Wisconsin:
    -central Wisconsin: says:

    Hard to get your daily salads in Dr Peters? Come on now. I have to call you in that. Prepare them at home the night before, dressings go in a separate container, and take them with you to work the next day in a little lunch pouch with a couple frozen blue ice containers, and your good to go. Same with adding in some vegetables to your meals.


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