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22 replies
  1. Fitgreenmind
    Fitgreenmind says:

    RECIPE (2 mozzeralla balls, 15min work time):
    -200ml soy milk
    -4 Tbsp olive oil
    -1 Tbsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
    Heat it up whilst stirring
    -3 Tbsp nutritional yeast
    -salt to taste
    -5 Tbsp corn starch
    Turn down the heat and whisk vigorously.
    -1/2 cup (125g) soy yogurt
    Whisk it in.
    Place the mixture on foil or in silicone molds, shape in a tight ball and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.
    Use just like mozzarella, it’ll last in the fridge for a week.

  2. Meryem Erol
    Meryem Erol says:

    With all respect, my dear this is completely unhealthy. Cheese, yoghurt and milk etc are essential to your body. Just because it's white liquid doesn't mean it's milk now .
    I really find your account joyful, but I sincerely recommend you to stop this disorder.

  3. Greta
    Greta says:

    Im Italian, not vegan, that's a horror to us, u can't call caprese that s*itty thing. Mozzarella is made of milk.
    Why Mocking non vegan food??? Eat tofu and veggie .

  4. GamePlayMetal
    GamePlayMetal says:

    I completely botched it, it was completely liquid. Maybe I didn't put enough starch & yeast? I really don't like the quantities in tablespoons because I have no idea exactly how much it is. Like, there are different sized spoons, and then you can fill it differently, do you fill it to the max and make a little mound on it? Anyways, it looks really good in the video, but mine is just like inedible soup XD

  5. Ninja Keks
    Ninja Keks says:

    I appreciate the afford, but that doesn't look like mozzarella and it doesn't behave like mozzarella. Can't say anything about the taste but it looks like bohamien dumblings.


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