Vegan Mother’s Day Brunch with Chef Del Sroufe

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13 replies
  1. Bernadette Swanson
    Bernadette Swanson says:

    Thanks for explaining how to saute without oil! I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. I burned things first, then boiled them with too much veggie broth. Now I'm not afraid to get some brown on the pan before adding a little broth.

  2. Pink Daisy
    Pink Daisy says:

    such a wonderful cooking class! I have looked up your website – wonderful!
    I would love a class on making corn tortillias – plus Chef Del – you said something about making some type of bread-like with oatmeal. I could not hear what the name was. I have difficulty finding corn tortillas that do not break apart. It occured to me – adding oatmeal to them would make it flexible and strong. Chef AJ – THANK YOU for introducing me to WFPB during the pandemic! You & your guests inspired me and entertained me, when we were all locked up and isolated. My health & energy has SOARED. I used to LIVE to cook. Complex things like homeade raviolies & sauce + eclairs for dessert. LOVED IT! Now – thanks to your good instructions – I have completely changed the way I cook & eat. THANK YOU!!!!! =)

  3. Sewtritionist RDN
    Sewtritionist RDN says:

    Great recipes. ?Chef AJ What is your email address? On your presentation with The Real Truth About Health you said to email you for the recipes. I didn't get the email and your website has NO link to an email address. Thanks


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