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This vegan mongolian beef uses soy curls to mimic the unctuous crisp and chewy texture of the original dish but has the same sticky sweet and savoury sauce!

41 replies
  1. Me Mee
    Me Mee says:

    Just a tip for the ginger. Buy your ginger, wash it, break into thumb size pieces, and put it in a ziplock freezer bag and place in freezer. Then, when you need some for a recipe, take out a piece, grate what you need, and put what you don't use back in the freezer. It freezes surprisingly well, and you will always have ginger available without it going bad.

  2. Denise Vastola
    Denise Vastola says:

    Hi, Lisa. This looks really good. I'd like to try it, but if I were to bake the soy curls instead of frying…at what temperature and how long? Love your recipes. All I've tried have been delicious!

  3. tigergreene
    tigergreene says:

    Have you considered getting a deep fryer? It's SO much easier to cook with. Thermostat knobs, simple lift out baskets, lid to avoid splashing oil. They're kind of a pain to clean, though.

  4. Opo Kami
    Opo Kami says:

    Just ordered some soy curls. Cant wait to try! Slowly moving to vegan here. So glad you make "normal" not overly healthy vegan food. Man your stuff and Cheap Lazy Vegan is the BOMB!

  5. yj
    yj says:

    Bring your clumpy friends 😂😂😂😂😂 so fun to watch you as always Lisa. Btw, if you like a little twist you could also add dried whole chillis to that sauce it'll give it some zing


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