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45 replies
  1. Education Professional 1980
    Education Professional 1980 says:

    I completely agree with the Lazy but the cheap is a lie. At 2:21 you start using Bob's Red Mill, oat powder, you could just make your own?
    Yep I'm out! Cheap my arse! Also juiced greens powder, $40 not really cheap I did four days of meal prep for the cost of one of your ingredients!

  2. Danielle Welch
    Danielle Welch says:

    I love this! Iโ€™ve been doing vegan meal prep for just a couple months and I really appreciate the new ideas! Everything looks so colorful and crunchy and tasty! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Benjamin Reynolds
    Benjamin Reynolds says:

    Sweety ๐Ÿ™‚
    May I recommend you check out Avant Garde vegan regarding seitan making? His vegan steaks are amazeballs…..
    He blends up several ingredients to make the fluid…..
    Initially? He was kneading it thoroughly by hand…. I was like f**k that, I'm using my Kitchenaid to knead for the 10 minutes…..
    Then he clued on in later videos lol
    I just wish that we were in proximity to each other, because I would love to spend a weekend showing you everything I've learned…..
    Even using "mock chicken" recipe to inspire turning seitan into a chicken substitute….. which kinda worked….. still experimenting…..
    I really need to get my act together and start my own YouTube channel haha

  4. Kin
    Kin says:

    Loved the video until you added in there a gluten recipe!the title say gluten free recipes. should have keep that last recipe off..Im gluten free and that addition was disappointing.. maybe just do one with out gluten for those watching desperating looking for gluten free recipes. the other two recipes were nice

  5. Hannah Rose
    Hannah Rose says:

    I made the muffins but replaced the flourโ€™s for just two cups of regular flour…as its all i had. 15 minutes in oven at 400 degrees was plenty! Also was hoping they would be sweeter. Min me turned out very bland and stuck to the wrapper.. Next time will try adding a banana or more sweetener.

  6. Chronic Pain Cryptid
    Chronic Pain Cryptid says:

    I've been boiling the seitan, letting it drain and rest for a few minutes and then fry it up in pan with a little canola oil. Seitan soaks up olive oil. Then I let it rest after frying. Gives it a really nice meat texture (kind of like pork to me) and is really good cold too. I've found refrying it makes its spongy again, not sure why.


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