Vegan Kedgeree; an INCREDIBLE dinner in under 30 minutes!

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Vegan Cottage Cheese: Vegan Kedgeree makes for a great last-minute dinner; full of flavour but …

8 replies
  1. Auntie Rachel's Chaotic Kitchen
    Auntie Rachel's Chaotic Kitchen says:

    Vegan Cottage Cheese:

    The safest way to thaw frozen food is to take it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge. This can take up to 2 days, do be sure to plan for that! The less safe way is to thaw it on the counter at room temperature 

    Initially, I'd had the idea of using banana blossom as the fish element. I've seen it used to make vegan fried "fish"; coat the blossom in batter then fry. I've had a couple of cans in the cupboard for ages and decided to try it, but when I opened the can, the blossom were very pink. I've not had them before, so I'm not sure if that's normal. I went ahead and soaked them in hot water with a couple of slices of lemon and some seaweed sheets. The texture was very fibrous and chewy, so I opted for the fish fingers instead. I might try it with the blossom at some point, as this can was a month out of date, so it could be that it gets tougher the longer it's in the can

    Kedgeree will work really nicely with different types of rice too; coloured ones like red or black, long grain, brown etc. It would also be lovely with cous cous, or even a mixture of cous cous and rice! 

    For an extra protein boost; add some cooked beans and/or quinoa

  2. Love sprouts
    Love sprouts says:

    Great recipe Rachel kedgeree was always one of our Family Favourites the fish version I'm going to make the Vegan version for my family tomorrow I always liked it a big dollop of Heinz tomato sauce on top

  3. Monte Blanc🖋
    Monte Blanc🖋 says:

    I haven't been able to tune in for a little while, but it was so great to see this episode today. Missed hearing that voice and having company in the kitchen with me during the day. Not sure if I noticed before, but your laugh – every iteration – I love it!

    I'm hoping to be more consistent with tuning in from here on. Stay well, Rachel🙏🏾

  4. Bingles
    Bingles says:

    Recipe looks great, and I think the format is a winner! I like that you can give some history/context while the meal is "cooking" in the pre-recorded footage. Great job!

  5. soyboy22
    soyboy22 says:

    I'll try this, but without the black salt. I used a little too much before and my skin got red and itchy. I probably have an undiagnosed allergy to sulfur.

  6. Jimi Mason
    Jimi Mason says:

    Whoa, you have a much nicer air fryer than mine! 😆 I feel like this is the universe aligning to get me using it more… Labor omnia vincit, as the adage goes. I do love me a good rice dish, and yours looks like savoury heaven! Thanks for another great video 🙂


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