Vegan InstantPot BBQ Ribs (Vegan, Oil Free)

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So as summer presses on I have really been craving a lot of good summer BBQ foods. And chief among them was ribs, so I decided I would try my hand at making a simple & delicious version of vegan BBQ ribs. I really wanted to make sure that it was a recipe that anyone could do in their home kitchen in around an hour.




Here’s the Ingredients!

-2 cups of vital wheat gluten (
-6 oz of tomato paste
-1 tsp garlic powder
-1 tsp onion powder
-1 tsp ground black pepper
-1 tsp liquid smoke
-1 tsp soy sauce
-1 tbs smoked paprika
-1 cup of water (to mix in with dry ingredients)
-2 cup of water (to cover dough in the instantpot)
-InstantPot (
-KitchenAid Stand Mixer (

Head over to my website for the complete step by step written instructions!

31 replies
  1. Marilyn B.
    Marilyn B. says:

    Hi Gabriel. This looks awesome. I have been watching several videos on making seitan and came across yours. I want to make this for sure. PS, I want a kitchen aid mixer just like yours. I love that color!!!!

  2. Mary Hazell
    Mary Hazell says:

    Omg I am glad I found your videos it’s a keeper. I have been ribs and bbq sauce. Lately, I been craving meat, but I know it’s probably normal to crave. I have been on and off wfpb since July. I enjoy eating this way, it’s crazy how I crave meat, but when I do have I feel blaoh. Geuss my my body is saying no way. Thanks for videos

  3. John Stump
    John Stump says:

    Ok I have to say your recipe was great. I used parchment paper on a cookie sheet to broil my bbq non meat ribs. I put them in for 10 minutes and then did the other side for the same. They turned out really good. I let my neighbor try some and he liked it very much. I still don’t know why my instant pot showed the BURN notice. I’ll definitely use this recipe again, but will not use the instant pot.

  4. John Stump
    John Stump says:

    Well so far not good. I followed your recipe and then I got a burn sign on the instapot. So I took it out and am simmering it in my regular cooking pan. I’m assuming you had it on pressure cook for 30 minutes. Any pointers I’d appreciate.

  5. John Stump
    John Stump says:

    Thanks I’m going to try it tomorrow. It seems like when I cook seitan it seems really chewy. Also I thought I saw a video on nutrition facts dr greger saying that bbq could be harmful? I’ll let you know how I do. I don’t have a bbq but will just bake it in the oven.

  6. Мария Головлева
    Мария Головлева says:

    My favorite new kitchen appliance.>>> Between this and my air fryer you practically can cook everything. I love that you can sear meat and then pressure cook it rather that dirty another pan searing and adding to a crock pot. I have already given out many as gifts. It’s the perfect wedding, new baby, and off to college gift!

  7. James Hicks
    James Hicks says:

    So this was easy and good enough – but I don't get the point. Is it just a meat replacement? A texture thing? Seitan by itself has almost no nutritional value. I added some nutritional yeast to mine, but probably not enough to contribute something useful. I see some recipes using chickpea flour as well – does anyone make a seitan that has nutritional value and protein? Thanks!

  8. Heather Quebodeaux
    Heather Quebodeaux says:

    My instant pot recently stopped working. The seal won't fully close. Could I still make the ribs in a thin circle shape and then put it in glass cookware with water in the bottom of it and cook in the oven?

  9. judamull
    judamull says:

    Made these tonight….followed the recipe to the letter. Grilled them on a George Foreman grill at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes. They were very good. The texture was amazing. Hubby and I just kept commenting that they were spot on. Loved having the dough hook do the work. Thank you!

  10. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    We tried this tonight! It was good but we think it needs more seasoning. I would probably double all the spices, liquid smoke, and soy sauce next time I make it. We also baked it in the oven in lieu of grilling, at 425 for 20ish minutes, wrapped in tin foil


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