Vegan Instant Pot Baked Beans with Sneaky Veggies

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Ultimate, luscious VEGAN Instant Pot Baked Beans with some extra sneaky veggie goodness for that epic new year meal prep lifestyle πŸ˜€ Y’all were β™₯ VEGAN …

28 replies
  1. ErrorError
    ErrorError says:

    Wow! Awesome video! Aside from a killer recipe here, you also really helped me figure out why my chana tikka masala comes out sooooooo much better when I cook the garbanzos ahead of timeβ€”the tomatoes in my tikka masala sauce make the garbanzos much firmer. Keep up the spectacular vids!!

  2. Geanie Gail
    Geanie Gail says:

    you need to soak the beans to help remove as much of the lectins as possible, is my understanding. I researched it because it seemed to me like chickpeas bother me, and it turns out they're very high in lectins (which is why you can use them to make aquafaba). lectins cause both gas and inflammation, and since I found my fibromyalgia was all food related, lectins are a no-no. for me, lectins = pain.

  3. Cassie Autumn
    Cassie Autumn says:

    I LOVE baked beans! I always soak my beans before eating them, even if I cook them from their dry form! I usually utilize their dry form anyways because I can cook more in bulk without spending as much money per pound or ounce!

  4. Teresa LeVasseur
    Teresa LeVasseur says:

    This recipe looks great! My mom makes Portuguese style baked beans and they are incredible. I think these will be somewhat similar, savory over sweet. I don't really like sugary sweet baked beans

  5. Jennifer Gouge
    Jennifer Gouge says:

    I’ve been waiting for this video since the first mention of beans! πŸ™‚ I’m thinking of trying this recipe on my dad next time one of us visits the other, maybe with a dash of mustard as a nod to his recipe but without all the refined sugar he always uses

  6. Lisa Louise
    Lisa Louise says:

    Hey Lisa, loving all the hard work you obviously put into researching the bean techniques. Can't wait to make this! Our UK canned (tinned) beans are really nice but would be good to get some extra veggies in there. Plus we are trying Dr Greger's daily dozen checklist and we can get so many boxes ticked with this recipe

  7. Simone
    Simone says:

    I always add a bit of baking soda to tomato sauces, if I want to cook something else in it like veggies, lentils or pasta. The alkaline baking soda reacts with the acid and makes it less acidic. I use like 1/2 teaspoon for medium-big stews. You should try that πŸ™‚


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